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3rd pov

T.K had not always been blind. Neither had Ken been, but it is something that they both had to learn to adjust to. It had taken the original group to figure out T.K was blind and they found out at the same time as the second group, while they got their explanation when Ken started losing his sight. It had taken far too long for them to realize and it as a matter of fact bothers all of them that they had not figured it out at all.

To be fair, T.K had understood exactly what was happening when his vision started blacking out at the edges not too long after Angemon died for them, and he knew that he should've said something to the older kids, but there was so much stress, and friction and then they had all gotten split up and T.K just hadn't found the time to say anything. Then the 8th kid and the stronger digimon and everything there happened and by the time they all returned to the real world, T.K had entirely lost his vision. It had not crossed his mind after that to say anything, since he could still see in his own way.

None of them are entirely sure - not even Gennai, since this is not something that has ever happened before - what he is using to see but he always describes it as a sort of force that comes off of things, almost looking like waves when they rise off of stuff. (Far into the future, they will realize this is the life force that every living thing gives off and anything touched by the living is imprinted with their life force at least a bit, plus the Digital world is teeming with the stuff. But that's in the future.) However, that is not something they learn for a long time.

Davis had always been confused, because yeah, T.L argues with him - banters, they're just having fun for the most part - but the blonde never looks him in the eye. He'll get close, sometimes almost right there, but he never looks him in the eye. Davis is actually rather suspicious, but there is no way to test what he's thinking without looking like an ass and he might but a jerk, but he refuses to hurt his friend if he's right and the test happens to be dangerous. Though he would also never plan a dangerous test to verify it. 

Yolei is also confused, because she knows for a fact the blonde should have perfect eyesight, his eye exams show that and he has no glasses, there's no reason for him to miss her eyes every time he talks to her, let alone just in general. Sometimes, she would swear he's doing it on purpose, but he's not shy enough to avoid looking all of them in the eye, especially with the way he and Davis go at it most days, so she is not entirely sure what's wrong with him, because that much is certain. He may appear ok, but there is definitely something wrong with him.

Kari doesn't worry, because this is something that T.K has been doing for as long as she can remember, since having joined the group. He never quite looks anyone in the eye, even if it looks like he's trying to, he never quite manages. She had always assumed that's just the way T.K was, since he is still a bit of a shy boy at heart, even if he is far more bold than he was when they were younger, he's still young and probably hasn't managed to kick the habit just quite yet. 

Cody is the only one who truly understands it even a bit, and even then that is only because there's something between him and T.K that is almost tangible, that connects them in a way that's a bit different then the others. He knows for certain there is something wrong with the blonde's eyes, but nothing he's done has ever managed to give him an answer. He's probed the bond, he's researched, he's asked his grandpa, he's questioned the older kids as well, but none of them give good answers, and tell him there's nothing wrong. It frustrates him and then everything comes out and suddenly he understands. 

They had all gone to the digital world, recruiting the older kids help because they were focusing on spires this time, and the older digimon are far stronger than the new ones in base form, simply because they are older and have far more experience. They are tackling a group of spires when something lands in the middle of all of them. Instinct has the older group shielding the younger kids, all of them ducking and covering as they hit the ground, but nothing happens. At least, that's what they think as they all slowly stand, a few noticing that T.K is rubbing his eyes but thinking nothing of it. 

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