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3rd pov

All the Digidestined children had a block placed on them upon entering the digital world, so that there powers would not overwhelm them and kill them. The blocks were slowly removed by the children themselves every time they helped their partner digivolve, until all of the older kids had completely opened them, for the most part. There was only a chunk the size of a tiny galaxy still inaccessible to them, but they would come upon it in time. T.K and Kari only partially activate there's, with there digimon partners requiring more power and energy to digivolve its understandable. 

The new kids, they also break down the blocks, though it takes a bit longer for them since some of them had troubles owning up to the crests representation, but it still happened, and Kari alongside T.K got more access to their power with the new style of digivolving, that while not taking near as much energy still takes a decent chunk out of it. For the holders that share, it's a test to figure out their powers, because they have to remove the blocks and then keep going, jump off the cliff into the ocean, so to speak.

For the holders of Light and Hope, it's always been something that they can access depending on the situation. For Light, it can only be accessed during times of great distress, most notably when the balance is starting to go out of whack. For Hope, it's always accessible, since it is both the first and last line of defense against the darkness. Many people forget that, but Hope is first and last in defense, with Light and Courage right behind it, followed by Friendship and Reliability, then Love and Knowledge, Sincerity directly following them with Hope bringing up the rear as well.

It is not that the order is demeaning or dismissing how important the emotions or bonds are, but this is also the best formation that is hardest to break. That does not mean it's impenetrable, it just means it's the best defense and offense they have. The Digidestined are not aware of the blocks - well, most of them. Izzy had figured it out on his own, with the way he explores everything in search of knowledge, while T.K had always been able to feel the depths of his power and Ken has a decent grasp of his powers, Kindness standing next to Sincerity in the formation. 

The Digidestined only realize they are not using their full strength through a small mistake of the enemies part - they had underestimated the kids, assuming them weak for being human. The entire group had gone to the digital world, hoping to just spend some time with their digimon and relax, what with school, jobs and other stuff taking up their time in the real world. Don't get them wrong, they're glad, but sometimes it's a bit much and they just need a break. 

Now, T.K and Patamon had always been the best at keeping secrets, and they had known instinctively that if they showed their strength they would be overestimated and killed, so they held back. T.K had always been able to feel the ocean of power he had in his grasp, and since Patamon is tied to his soul, so too had his digimon been able to feel it. They knew the others would have to work to free their power( they had too, but they used so much more power that it took them longer) and so they worked alongside them. Ken can feel the depth to his power as well, once he taps into it, since Kindness is a easier to grasp and understand then its counterpart, Cruelty. They both have full access, and they know it, but none of the others are aware of it.

T.K, Ken, Patamon and Wormmon are leaning against a tree, talking about a recent video game, Tai, Davis, Veemon, Agumon, Matt and Gabumon are playing a horribly one sided game of soccer, Mimi, Sora, Yolei, Palmon, Biyomon and Hawkmon are debating the newest clothes or food and Cody, Izzy, Joe, Kari, Armadillomon, Tentomon, Gomamon and Gatomon are bickering over technology time vs people time. They're relaxing, being themselves as best they can be and interacting with whoever they want without questions that they sometimes get in the real world, when something strikes the ground in front of them. The shockwave knocks most of the newer group - that were standing, anyway - over,  as well as unbalances the older group. T.K and Ken are fine, for the most part, but the others are either bruised or scuffed up in some way. They exchange glances to make sure everyone's ok, and then turn to face whatever had decided to take them on.

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