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An AU, obviously. 

3rd pov

The entire family, for as long as T.K can remember, had been cursed. He could not think of a time when he was not aware of the curse that his family suffered from. There is no way to tell when the curse was first put on their family or when, but it has a different effect on each person. For his mom, she always has bags under her eyes, because she suffers from insomnia she probably wouldn't have had without this curse. His dad, is always tense, his muscles never relaxing as if his adrenaline is always running through his body, waiting for something to pounce. For Matt, his older brother who he loves and has always admired, it came in the form of a heart that - while ever so gentle and loving - was locked with a key, making it hard to get in there (Tai helped with that, somehow breaking the curse and T.K had hope for the curse to be broken, though he knows the chances of his being broken is short of a miracle.)

T.K, in the entire families - but not T.K's himself - opinion got the worst of it. For random reasons, at random times for with very little warning, he will collapse almost unconscious, suffering from pain that was never really located anywhere and yet always seemed to center around his chest. They had managed to explain it as some sort of illness that was passed down through their family, that T.K was unfortunate enough to have gotten from one of his grandparents - long dead and with very little medical history from hospitals since they lived out in the country and were rather healthy - so the schools were equipped to handle it.

However, they had forgotten, in the long years of T.K not really trying to get new friends and them all knowing, to inform the new group and that turns out to be an almost fatal mistake as they soon learn. (Matt and T.K had long told the others they were cursed and that it took different forms, but it had not occurred to them to tell the newest 4 since they had it been brought in.) Not for the younger generation, but for the blonde himself. It had been a nice little outing, the groups relaxing and some even sleeping in a way they can no longer really get in their world, not always anyway. Among the groups, T.K is of the few sleeping, and that is what starts the whole thing.

He's a bit further from the others - still close enough for most of them to grab - and he's resting on his back, arms crossed behind his head, relaxing in the sun. Izzy, Davis and Matt, along with their digimon are the closest to him, sitting in the shade under a tree, while the others are playing either soccer or some poor version of volleyball. With a happy sigh, the blonde turns towards the others in his sleep and nuzzles further into the warm spot. Patamon grins and settles on the ground in front of his best friends chest, glad to be warm. Nothing can break the moment, nothing at all. Except, he can feel his friend suddenly tense and dread fills him. Having to watch his partner and friend writhe in pain and not be able to help in anyway. 

Patamon lifts off from the ground and heads for Matt, leaving his friend for only a moment, but that's all this digimon needs. For a moment, none of them can tell what happened, everything too fast and surreal, at least, since none of them have ever come too close to dying, but that is most definitely a root shoved through T.K's torso. For a moment, the world is still, even T.K, arched on the vined does not appear to know how to react, but then time starts moving and he reacts first. He cries out, blood flying from his mouth and arches further. The others react next, cries ringing through the air and forcing it apart, trying to figure out what the fuck had happened, trying to free their friend or just in anger. The vine is the last thing to react, withdrawing back into the ground and letting the blood that was blotting - at least a little - flow free.

Sora is the first to move, Joe almost literally on her heels as they head for the blonde. However, Matt is the one to notice the signs and turn to Patamon, worry in his eyes as he silently asks a question. At Patamon's nod, he wonders what on earth that means for his brother. If nothing can touch the pain he feels when the curse activates, does that mean he can take something and it'll stop the pain from the wound, or does it mean he'll just have to endure the pain because nothing can touch his pain during the curses activation. Matt decides they will need Gennai and turns to Tai, who nods and hurries to inform Izzy, who immediately starts to scroll around in order to find the nearest tv by Gennai's house.

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