Ep 2. The Man with the Red Eyes pt.2

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(No One's POV)

After they managed to get away from all those people our little group went back to where they were before they went to see all the commotion.

"Geez man how long has it been since we last tawhked two, or what three years maybe? Yuh look good."- Johnny

"Hehehe, yeah so how've you been is your family okay?"- (y/n)

"Yeah my mom's doin' all ight. Pretty sure my pops still doin' his business trip in Europe said he'll be back in 2 weeks. But, othuh than dat I've got big news apparently my mom's pregnant. Meanin' I'manna be an olduh brudder soon!"- Johnny

"Yo that's great!"- (y/n)

"It sure is, oh by de way who are dese guys? New friends?"- Johnny

"Oh right haha."- (y/n)

"I'm Kumi Okazaki."- Kumi

"And I'm Tokoha anjou."- Tokoha

"It's nice tuh meetcha both. Thanks fawh bein' friends wit' dis knuckle head."- Johnny

Johnny lightly bowed his head at the two girls until (y/n) punch them in the arm.

"Ah! Hey come on I was only jokin', your not a knuckle head."- Johnny

"If you don't mind me asking. But why do you sound like that?"- Kumi

"Sound like what?"- Johnny

"Kumi don't you know who exactly this is?"- Tokoha

"Oh no it's fine really. In fact it's kind of refreshin' dat I have tuh introduce myself. My name is Johnny, Johnny Wheeluh."- Johnny


"Like I said it's no trouble. It's nice tuh tawhk tuh people who doan want an autograph 24/7 or freaks out seein' me."- Johnny

"Wait are you a pro?"- Kumi

"Yep even though I'm an American pro duelist. I'm still famous here."- Johnny

"You see Johnny is from here in Japan. But his family moved to New York before he was born."- (y/n)

(Fun fact I'm pretty sure anyone who watches the show notices that Joey has a Brooklyn accent. That isn't actually true, you see Joey is still Japanese and speaks normally. It's just his voice actor is from New York, and because of that Joey sounds like he has a Brooklyn accent. So how Joey sounds when he speaks English isn't a joke for the dubbing it's a genuine accent.)

"That's actually very interesting. I didn't know that part. Actually no I think about it how do you two know each other?"- Tokoha

You're jokin' right? De Wheeler's and de Moto's havin' friends fawh generashuns. We're ackshully like family. Yuh see I'm 18 and (y/n) is 16. We officially met when he was 2 and I was 4. But, yuh see even though I'm olduh (y/n)'s de bettuh duelist."- Johnny

"Knock that off no I'm not. Exaggerating like you always do me and you are on equal level of skill."- (y/n)

After finishing what he was saying (y/n) started to take a sip from his soda. And in response Johnny started to bicker with him and (y/n) starts to retort. Pretty much the argument was basically Johnny saying he was the better duelist but, (y/n) keeps on saying that they're both on equal level.

"😅They sure do get along."- Kumi

"😅Yeah I can see that."- Tokoha

"Oh yeah well how about dis! Me and yuh have dueled a total of 15 times and out of those 15 I've only won six!"- Johnny

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