Ep 2. The Man with the Red Eyes pt.1

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(No One's Pov)

It was just your typical everyday morning for our main hero and his friends. However it was more or less the main hero who was trying to hide from a group of people trying to swarm him with a bunch of questions. Seriously for the entirety of the whole day at school (y/n) has been trying to avoid multiple people trying to ask him questions like. "What's it like being related to the king of games!?" Or "Can you please have a duel with me!?" And the list can keep going on and on. But, there is a silver lining in all of this and that would be either study hall, or lunch. And again like last time (y/n) was on top of the schools roof only this time Tokoha and Kumi are with him.

"Ah finally peace and quiet."- (y/n)

"Geez, who would of thought that they would be even worse then yesterday."- Kumi

"Well that's what it's like to be related to someone famous."- Tokoha

"Man this sucks!"- (y/n)

"Well on the bright side it's getting closer for school to let out. Why don't we change the subject. That deck you recommended me is actually pretty good."- Kumi

"Glad to see it worked out for you. That's still raises the question I want to know. What do you play with Tokoha?"- (y/n)

"Right I almost forgotten about that. I use Flower Maidens."- Tokoha

"Really? Why the Flower Maidens? Isn't that a type of deck little kids would use?"- (y/n)

In response to (y/n)'s question Tokoha gave him a stern glare along with a growl. Seeing this made (y/n) hold his hands up in defense before it could escalate any farther.

"I mean a deck that's used for only the very mature and very grown up hehehe."- (y/n)

"Hm!"- Tokoha

"Oh no you made her upset

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"Oh no you made her upset."- Kumi

"Ah! I'm sorry, don't be mad."- (y/n)

"Only if you go to the Blue Eyes Mall with me and Kumi."- Tokoha

"Blue Eyes Mall?"- (y/n)

"Remember that place you dueled Nyx? That's called the Blue Eyes Mall."- Kumi

"Oh that place. Actually now that I think about it my uncle said something about it being called that."- (y/n)

"So is that a yes?"- Tokoha

"*Sigh* fine I'll go."- (y/n)

"Alright you actually did it!"- Kumi

"Wait huh!?"- (y/n)

"You see you didn't really seem like you'd agree to come so we had to trick you into saying yes."- Tokoha

"Oh you jerks!!"- (y/n)

"To late you already said yes."- Tokoha

Time Skip (Your POV)

I'm back at my uncle's place getting ready for when Tokoha and Kumi come and say they're ready to go to the Mall. Seriously I can't believe I'm stuck having to go with them to that place again not to mention.

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