The new generation pt. 3

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Okay to start off just so you guys know. That I'm going to be changing the rules of ritual summoning in the story in case you didn't know. Now don't worry nothing major is going to be changed. It's just instead of being in your main deck the cards are going to be in your extra Deck. So some of the effects on some cards might be a little different. But that's pretty much it only the ritual monster itself is going to be in the extra deck you still need to summon it using its card it requires you to use to summon it.

(No One's POV)

"Alright, seeing as I'm going first I'll summon Wind Up Knight to the field and attack mode!"- Nyx

Nyx took a card from his hand and played it on his duel disk to summon his little knight.

Nyx took a card from his hand and played it on his duel disk to summon his little knight

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"Now I set two cards face down and end my turn."- Nyx

The screen change the show that it was (y/n)'s turn to play. So he drew 1 card from his deck to add to his hand and started to think.

'His monster has 1800 attack points. And he threw down two face down cards. Considering he has a Wind-Up monster does it mean he's deck is Wind-Up based? No, just because he only has one doesn't mean his entire deck is based on it. What I got to focus on are those two face down cards.'- (y/n)

(Y/n) took a look at his hand to see what he could do for a move and found a small small solution for this situation.

"Okay to start things off I activate the spell card Mystical Space Typhoon. Meaning I get to destroy one spell or trap card on your side of the field. I'm choosing the one on the left!"- (y/n)

(Y/n) played the card on his disk and a hologram of the card appeared right next to him. The moment it revealed itself on the field the strongest of wind blew out of it and destroyed the car that Nyx had layed face down. It looked like it was a Super Soldier Shield.

"Damnit."- Nyx

'A Super Soldier Shield? Wait a second that's a support card for Black luster Soldier. Why would you have that card in his deck unless.....wait that's it! He's using a Black Luster deck!'- (y/n)

"You gonna play or are you just gonna say dream?"- Nyx

"Oh don't worry. You're going to see exactly what I can do. Because now I'm summoning Defender, The Magical Knight!"- (y/n)

 Because now I'm summoning Defender, The Magical Knight!"- (y/n)

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Yu-Gi-Oh Crossing Field New Generation Moto (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now