How to Get Away With Murder

Start from the beginning

Mickey cuts her off, "Bodies. Dead bodies."

Betty nods. "As a matter of fact, yeah. He's an expert. Without him, we would all be in jail right now."

Veronica furrows her brows, "For what? We didn't do anything, did we? Did we, Betty?" She glances quickly at Mickey before turning back to the blonde. "When we found you and Jughead—"

"I had just found Jughead, too."

"You were holding the rock."

"Yes, I-I picked up the rock. That was a stupid mistake. I played right into their trap. Those psychotic preppies are trying to frame us for murder."

Veronica questions, "Why us? They barely know us. Especially Archie and I."

Betty revised her statement, "Me, then. They're trying to frame me for Jughead's murder."

Mickey nods in agreement, cutting in again. "That has to have been their plan. They wanted Betty to be caught, red-handed, standing over Jughead's body, with her DNA smeared all over everything. It's the only thing that makes sense."

Betty takes a deep breath. "Okay, we have to be smart about this. We have to take them down. We cannot let them get away with this, with what they've done."

Veronica thinks of another question. "Why would they want to murder Jughead?"

Mickey suggests, "Maybe Jughead was getting closer to the truth about Chipping's death than they liked, or maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Archie pushes her to finish her thought.

"Maybe this is just a game to them. This whole thing is a game or an experiment to commit the perfect murder."

Veronica covers her eyes, inhaling and exhaling a couple of times. "If it's a game, then it's a sick one."

Then Kevin walks up to their table. "Hey, guys. What's up? Can I join you?"

Archie leans on the table, looking up at him. "Actually, Kev, we're kind of in the middle of something right now. Catch you later?"

Kevin seems hurt to be turned away. "Uh, yeah. Of course."

Betty whispers when Kevin starts to walk away, "Archie, that was exactly the wrong thing to do. We have to pretend to be normal. Everything is normal." She calls for Kevin, waving him over, "Come back. Archie's just kidding. Right, Arch?" She kicks him under the table.

Archie nods, "Yeah. Sorry, Kev. My bad."

Mickey scoots closer to the window to allow Betty to move over and give Kevin a space to sit.

"All good." Kevin sits at the end of the table, next to Betty. He notices Mickey leaning her head on the window and it makes him ask, "What are you guys talking about? Seems intense."

The three of them say some version of no and shake their heads.

Mickey sits up when Betty digs an elbow into her side. "How's everything going with the musical? Have you decided what you're doing?"

"Yeah," Kevin tells her.

"Oh, good."

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