New Ability? Or Abilities?

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A/N: So I will change the Tobi voice from Y/N to Y/N (T): Which stands for Tobi. The deep voice stays the same and while you are talking with your real voice, it's just Y/N.

Draken and Mikey has been fighting because of Pah's arrest. Takemichi is in the hospital, and you massaged him to tell the others that you will be gone for a while. You are back in the cave, trying to get another ability.

Madara: Why are you back?

Y/N: Hey.. so uh.. can I get another sharingan? Please..?

(Okay I know that in the other book, Kawaragi/Akashi Senju x male reader btw, that I will give you no Rinnegan and just one sharingan but I kind of changed plans.. because I have found a better plot.)

You begged the old man. He doesn't seem to be fazed by it.

Madara: Really? Thats, what you are here for?

Y/N: Y-Yeah..? I mean, if no then that's fine by me-

Madara: Okay.

Y/N: What..?

You looked at him in confusion, He gave a smug look right back at you and you sweatdropped.

Y/N: Is it.. that easy..?

Madara: Under one condition.

Y/N: Of course..

He signaled you to come closer, and you did. He then whispered something in your ear that makes you stepped back.



You then walk up to the old man again and he once again, starts to whisper something in your ear.

Y/N: Oh.. well I don't know if that is more fucked up then.. you know?

Madara: So, Whats your answer? You got more power and you can have Shinchiro back.

You think for a moment, you don't know what to say it is tempting but Mikey and Emma is happy, and you don't want that to end over your stupid wish for power or Shinchiro.

Y/N: I'm sorry but no. Mikey and Emma is happy right now, even though I am not. It's not worth it.

Madara: Suit yourself then.

You walked off to exit the cave but the old man stopped you.

Madara: I didn't say you can't have another power though.

You turn your head back to the old man and starts walking back to him.

Y/N: So.. what are you going to give me?

Madara: A Kekkei Genkai that once was a sharingan, but has evolved much more than a Mangekyou sharingan.

You raised your eyebrows, curious of what this Kekkei Genkai is.

Y/N: Well what is it?

Madara: A Rinnegan. A powerful Kekkei Genkai that can do alot of things.

The old man then tell you about all of the stuff it can do (Because I deadass won't type everything it can do.)

Y/N: Holy shit! Okay.. so whats the catch?

Madara: Nothing, no catch. Zetsu!

The same thing made with hashirama cells that saved you 5 years ago, came to his master with a jar. Inside the jar is an eye, not just an ordinary eye, it's the Rinnegan.

Zetsu: Here you go, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks.. so.. I just replace this with my left left eye?

Madara: Precisely.

Y/N: Ok..

You take off your mask, gauge out your left eye and replace it with the Rinnegan. You don't care about the pain anymore, you became numb from pain 5 years ago when shinchiro died. You used your healing jutsu to heal your left eye but it wasn't healed all the way because you suck at healing jutsu.

Y/N: Ugh.. this is annoying.. this will take a few days to heal.. Zetsu can you please, bring me a bandage?

Zetsu: Sure thing.

Zetsu goes to take a bandage and come back to you and the old man.

Y/N: Thanks, your a great help Zetsu. The old man is lucky.

Zetsu: Haha, thank you for the compliment.

You put the bandage over your left eye and wear your mask back. You started to walk away and eventually you leaved the cave.

Zetsu: Why are you giving him the Rinnegan even though he doesn't want to go with the plan?

Madara: He will, he's unstable right now so just, one more death of his siblings and he will crack.

Zetsu: I see..

To be countinued...

A/N: Sorry this chapter is short but I got homework to do, so yeah.. see ya.

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