Toman vs Moebius

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Takemichi told you about his power, you didn't seem faze at all since you have some powers yourself. You didn't tell him about your powers though, you just tell him that the reason why your eyes is red and have a weird shape is because of genetics and he seems to believe it. Takemichi also told you Draken will die and that he should stop the Toman vs Moebius fight.

Takemichi: Tobi-san can I have your full name?

Y/N (DV): just call me Tobi, and I don't think that you should know my real name.

Takemichi: Huh? Why? I really need to know! It will be easier for me to sort things out!

Y/N (DV): No is a no, don't push your luck Takemitchy.

You said his nickname with a bit of venom in your tone. He is obviously scared being a crybaby he is. A crybaby hero though.


You and Takemichi are going to where the Toman vs Moebius fight is gonna take place. When you both arrived Takemichi is catching his breath and you stood beside him. Mikey noticed us.

Mikey: What's up, Tobi, Takemitchy?

Draken: Why are you both here?

Pah-chin: It's you again, and that idiot.

Peh-yan: Get lost, shitheads!

Y/N: Ah! S-Scary..

Takemichi walked up to them and you hide behind him like the child you pretend to be.

Takemichi: Can you stop, this fight with Moebius?

Mikey: Huh?

Takemichi: I can't tell you why, but theres someone pulling the strings here.

Right after Takemichi said that Pah grabbed his hair and throw him to the ground.

Y/N: Takemichi!

You said with a fake worried voice.

Takemichi: That hurt.

Peh-yan: You really should stop goofing around, even this masked idiot is not as dumb as you.

Y/N: It's not masked idiot, it's Tobi!

Pah-chin: Get lost, one more word from either of you and your both are dead.

Takemichi: You can't! You guys must not fight Moebius. Toman will get trapped.

Y/N: T-Takemitchy stop.

Pah started walking towards you and Takemichi. He pushed you out of the way and looked down to Takemichi's level.

Pah-chin: Get up.

Takemichi got up and Pah started punching Takemichi while saying..

Pah-chin: We can't fight and you can't say why?! Then who the hell beat up my friend and raped his girlfriend?!

Pah grabbed Takemichi's collar.

Takemichi: I don't know! But-

Tokyo Revengers x Male Tobi Reader (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora