"I don't know what it means, but you certainly seem to have some futile assumptions."

Adam turns away from her, once more trying to slip on his shirt but Noura stops him again, glaring murderously at him.

"Don't bluff me, Adam."

He narrows his eyes. "What do you want to hear?"

"That you were the thief outside my house that evening," she snaps. "That you're the reason I'm imprisoned here!"

"And you're accusing me based upon my scar?"

"You might have concealed yourself well, but I'm no fool." She jabs his arm persistently, jutting up her chin defiantly. "I slashed you, right here."

Adam scoffs in ridicule. "Given your temper, it's a surprise you don't go around slashing every other person, let alone that man, whoever he was."

He turns his back to her, finally pulling on his shirt. Noura feels an explosion go out in her head. If he's stubborn, so is she. If he keeps denying her, she'll have to force it out of him her way.

"How about I give you another slash then, Adam?" She pulls out her dagger. "For triggering my temper, huh?"

She attacks him. Adam turns in time to move out of her way. She reacts. He retreats. She cuts the air multiple time. He's swirls away nimbly on his feet each time. Noura tosses the dagger to her opposite hand and lunges at him again. Adam simply keeps dodging without counter attacking.



She aims right for his chest. He jumps aside and she stumbles forward on the bed.

"Stop this lunacy!" he growls at her.

She clutches the bedsheet in her fist. Just like him. His movements. His judgment of her actions. Dodging her, but not attacking her. Only trapping her.


She spins and throws her dagger at him. It barely misses his head as he jerks out of the shot range. She frantically looks around for another weapon before her eyes fall on his dagger under his pillow. Adam studies her and springs at the dagger at the same time as her, but she manages to get it before him.



He catches her wrist as she leaps at him. Noura tries to tug free her arm but he doesn't let go. She scrambles away from him on the bed, her wrist still in his firm grim as he takes the dagger from her. He gets on the bed after her, standing on his knees.

"Let go!" She struggles with him. "You devil!"

She fumbles around for another item but can only reach the pillow and thus throws it at him. It hits him in the face but to no avail.

"Noura," Adam grits, barely able to contain him own rage as he brings the dagger to her throat. "That's enough."

Noura stops struggling, grinding her teeth. "You like doing that, don't you?" She smirks. "You've always liked putting your dagger at my throat, since our first meeting."

This time, he doesn't answer, and she stares furiously at him. Adam lets go of her wrist, and she leans away from him on her elbows as he hovers above her, dagger still at her throat.

"I came to you to take me back home," she utters, helping herself not to sound weak or broken. "But I see I can't ask my culprit to free me when he's responsible for enslaving me."

The blade at her throat doesn't scare her, because for some reason she believes the hand holding it won't hurt her-- at least not physically. But that aside, if her assumptions are true, he has already done her enough emotional damage to do anything more. She only wants to hear him confess it to her so she can bear no doubt in mind-- so can can have a reason to openly hate him.

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