Ophelia had also successfully moved the baby away from breastfeeding and now onto formula. Ophelia wanted very much to name her daughter Machala, a name that somewhat resembled Mikey's, as well as her's. A combo of their names.

Ophelia sat in the back seat of the rented car as her mom drove her to April's store and house. Her mom dropped her off in front of the store and let her out. "Are you sure you have the patience to sit out here, Mom?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes. Give the woman all the stuff needed to take care of the baby. The father and others can take it from there, once you have left." Her mom said.

"I love Machala so much, Mom."

"I told you not to name the baby."

"She does need a name."

"How do you know it's a girl?"

"I looked it up." Ophelia said.

"Whatever. Just get her out of here then." Her mom said. It was obvious that her mom wanted nothing further to do with this baby turtle. Ophelia hated her attitude towards her 'granddaughter.'

Ophelia got out of the car, only as her body would let her. She went around to the other side, and got the basket out of the side. April was watching from inside her shop. What was going on outside her shop?

Her mom got out of the car and held the door open for her. She still knew how Ophelia's stomach was still sore and had stitches. But that was as far as she went for service with the baby. Ophelia walked up to April's counter top and placed the basket on it.

"Hi, is there something I can do for you, young Lady?" April asked.

"Yes, Ms. O'Neil. Can you get in touch with Mikey? One of the ninja turtle friends of yours." Ophelia said.

"How did you know, Mikey?"

"I am a friend of his that had moved last year because my dad got a job in Nevada. I have a present here for Mikey. All the stuff needed is in the basket."

"You mean you were a friend to Mikey then? Look Miss, Mikey's been dead for over 2 months now."

"What?" Ophelia said real loud. It awoke the baby. She began to cry.

April was shocked to hear that sound. She instantly removed the blanket over the top of the basket. There, inside, was a baby turtle.

"I called her Machala. She is mine and Mikey's daughter. She looks exactly like him." Ophelia's eyes were starting to tear up at the news of Mikey's death. "What happened to Mikey?"

"He died of internal bleeding in his brain, after a fight with the Foot two months ago." April said sadly. "He never told us that he had impregnated a girl."

"He never knew. I didn't even know when I moved. I found out when I was 11 weeks along. I had been sick for a long time, and missing my female time of the month. My dad is a doctor, and the illness I had was going on for too long. He finally ran some blood tests on me, and found the cause. Mikey was the only boy and friend I had ever had. We were good friends for only 4 months."

"We laughed and joked, drew comics, watched TV, and ate together on nights when my parents weren't home, so they never knew of him. I never told them about Mikey until they had to find out who the father was. They never told anybody about him. My midwife was the only other person to know, since I had to have prenatal care too. She is very healthy for a baby mutant turtle."

"She is only a week old, April. She is on that formula. Take care of her. My parents wouldn't let me keep her as much as I love her. I loved Mikey too. We never forced each other. We had told each other that we loved each other, and it just happened. Machala was the result of our short, but loving, relationship. I have to go now. Again, take care of her."

"Wait, what is your name?" April called after the girl, but she was already out the door and got into the car, and her mom pulled out.


April came back and to the counter and looked down into the basket again at the little turtle. It looked a lot like Mikey alright. She was the image of him. April picked up the cooing baby in her arms and held her. She rocked her. "Machala, huh? That's a good name for you." The red head smiled down at her. Good thing there wasn't anyone else in the store right now.

With this new arrival, April instantly closed the shop, and took the basket upstairs to her apartment. Then she called the guys. It was the middle of the day right now. The guys would more than likely be sleeping since they were more active at night most of the time.

She got Don on the phone first. "Hi April. What's up?" He asked.

"Donny, you and the others should get over here right away. There is a little surprise waiting here for you, and you won't believe what it is." April said.

"What is it?" Don asked, concerned.

"It has something to do with Mikey."


"I'll explain more when you get over here, Don." She said and hung up.

Don had no idea what was wrong, but when it had something to do with Mikey, it had perked him up alright. He had been in his lab and not sleeping anyway. He went and got Leo and Raph up. "Guys. Leo, Raph, we need to get to April's right away!" Don shouted at them.

"What is it, Donny?" Leo asked.

"I don't know. She just called and said that there was a present for us over at her place that has something to do with Mikey!"

"Mikey?!" They both yelled.

"Mikey is dead, Don."

"I know Leo, but April said to come and see it."

Leo and Raph were trying to move on. They didn't want to stay stuck in the past. They had already sought out revenge on the Foot goons for killing their brother. Now wasn't the time to go stirring up more trouble.

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