Part 1

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It worked. It looks like a bomb disguised as a time machine but I guess that's really not too far off. I immediately step inside with a final "seeya suckers," as I come face to face with my own reflection inside the big machine. The long flowing pink hair, the few freckles, and those brown eyes about to see a different world. Ashlee Jones was about to make history that would never even be in the books I think to myself. 

Except everything in this world looks the same? No, no it doesn't, as I look around sporadically and confused. Everything is huge… it's massive, I'm on a table. Something huge seems to clatter in the distance. I quicky run over to a massive cup and pull out a sword the size of my body, it's weight making me stumble. I look at it shamefully, this is a letter opener isn't it? No time to waste! Something is clearly walking this way! I stance myself with the sword like I've seen countless times on TV, like a regular Joan of Arc. The table shakes as what I can only image to be a demon cyborg stomps it's way to me to drink my blood. But the footsteps lighten as a girl rounds the corner of this titanic room. Long brown hair, not as long as mine but certainly cute, shorts, t-shirt, an over mitt? 

We lock eyes for a moment as she slowly steps on the roads paved by hardwood as her bare feet make a familiar but horrifying racket. That beast better stay back. I can see the curiosity in her eyes as she sneaks a hand up the table, like I wouldn't see that. I wack the hand as hard I can with my great blade of ultimate might. She yelps a little with an "ow" and starts shaking her hand as she quickly recoils it. 
It catches me off guard as I quickly loosen up and question her, "you can speak?" I practically shout it, not intentionally just from the tenseness of the situation releasing itself through my voice. She looks pissed. Fury in her eyes I watch horrified as the massive oven mitt encompasses my vision and I feel the sword fly from my hands. My head gets stuffed into the hot and thick fabric of the glove. I immediately squeal for my life as I'm lifted off the ground by my skull, desperate for anything else. But her massive hand adjusts itself around me rather quickly and she holds me like her hand is a chair, one that could drop me at any moment, but a fitting throne I guess. She stares into my eyes.
"So you understand me yes?" She speaks and nods slowly towards me. Despite my death grip on her hand I look back at her and slowly nod. "Then what the hell?" She holds up her bleeding hand. "You stabbed me with a letter opener!" It feels shameful hearing those words reverberate through my soul; she points at me. "Bad! Bad girl. You don't do that." Her stern voice fills my ears and shames me like a dog, tears form in my eyes and I can't look into hers anymore as I start crying. This new world, and it's horrifying giant who says I'm a 'bad girl'. 

She lets out a sigh and places her thumb over my entire hand gently. "I'm sorry. Don't cry. What's your name?" She's taking my intrusion awfully well to be honest. Wait my name! I cough and spit out the word: "Ashlee!" I hope that was a good answer… It's a long way down from here. Her big weird hand smooth over my hair, which got frizzled in her violent man-handling of my entire body, she just gently smiles at me. "Is- is this normal for you?" She's way calmer than I would be if a tiny girl stabbed my hand. She blinks a few times as apparently she wasn't paying attention.
"What? No, no not at all, you're so small." It's amazing how casually she just decimated all of my confidence in one sentence. "Don't pout at me over that, Ashlee, you're in my hand." My name sounds so wrong out of her mouth, I continue to pout over how she called me small. "I guess I'll just have to send you to your own farm upstate then." Is she serious? Wait that means she's gonna kill me!
"Okay fine! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not a bad girl…" Stop staring at me, it wasn't that embarrassing of a thing to say. Those big brown eyes better shut up soon. I squeeze her padded thumb for comfort. 
"Much better. I'm Kaitlyn and you," she pokes my nose, "you're gonna be my new best friend." 
"I don't know how to feel about that." She tightens her grip a little and tilts her hand so that I'm parallel with the floor. But she lifts my over her head and gently hold my with both her hands, smiling into my face. That face probably being rather hard to see through all the hot pink dangling hair but that's her fault she grabbed me. 
"Will you be my pet?" I grab her fingers tightly. 
"Will you not drop me?" 
"Deal." I am shocked with how easy Kaitlyn not only met and captured me, but also in less than 30 seconds made me what I can only assume to be her slave.

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