Melody's New Man

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Logan was really heartbroken by Melody’s rejection. He wanted more than anything to make it right with her. He wished more than anything he had listened to her when that article came out. He remembered everything he said to her that night. “I think you should add actress to your list of talents!” Melody wasn’t an actress. She was one of the most sincere people he had ever met and even his bandmates saw that

The fact that he was blinded by this hurt him so much. Whenever Logan felt like torturing himself, he would look up Melody on the internet. He reminded himself, “If you love her, keep fighting for her”

Meanwhile, Melody had met someone new. His name was Chad Edwards and he was a model. He was three years younger than Melody and he was a very good looking mixed race man. He treated Melody really well but she never felt that connection with him that she felt with Logan

Melody still cared about Logan and she even considered forgiving him but when she considered doing this, she remembered how he ended their relationship. Melody told Chad about what had happened with her and Logan. She did this as she wanted him to know she would never out their relationship so publicly

Chad let Melody know that if there was ever as story about them on the internet or a newspaper, he’d always back her up. Melody had no idea Logan was torturing himself for what he had done. She had no idea how badly he wanted to make it up to her

One night, Logan yet again felt like torturing himself by looking up Melody on a gossip website. Nothing prepared him for what he saw next. Melody was seeing Chad Edwards, the good looking male model. It was only when he saw this that Logan realised him and Melody were indeed over

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