I sweat drop, having literally no clue what an election is.

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you."

"Is this really the best idea?"

"We've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust? Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves."

"Most people will. But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job."

"It's the best way, right, sir?"

A few different people talk but I zone out so I don't catch most of it.

"Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over."

Soon, I get handed a piece of paper and I assume I have to write someone's name on it, 'I don't really know what I'm picking for..'  I look around, just picking someone random to pick.

My eyes land on Yaoyorozu-san and I decide I'll vote for her, she's really pretty after all. I write down her name and put it where everyone else does.

Soon the number of picks are written on the weird board in front of us, "How did I get three votes?" Midoriya-san asks to himself.

"Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?" Bakugo-san growls, "What, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?" Someone says, though I couldn't tell who. "What did you just say!?"

"Zero votes... I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose!" Iida-san says and I can't help but feel sad about the slightly sad aura he's giving off.

"So you voted for someone else, huh? But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right? What were you tryin' to prove here, Iida?"

I see zero votes on my name, and don't think much about it. I'm guessing whatever this vote was for, the person needs to talk, and I'm definitely lacking in that field.

Aizawa-sensei gets up and stands in front of the board "All right, the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu." I just have a confused look on my face, 'Class rep? Deputy?'.

"I'm sure if Kocho could talk, she'd be a good rep, her quirk is pretty good too." Kaminari-san says, and I look over to him. "Hmph?" I ask, though he obviously doesn't understand and he just sweat drops.

The bell rings and I cover my ears, even though it's about the same volume as my crow it still hurts my ears. I see Uraraka-san coming to my desk and I take my hands off my ears "Hey, Kocho! Want to eat lunch with us?" She asks and I just "Hmph!" and get up and hug her.

She looks shocked from the sudden contact, but hugs back, not noticing the jealous stares from our classmates.

We walk out of the class together and go and order food, though I obviously don't order anything. 'This is a really big restaurant' I look around, slightly overwhelmed. "Come on Kocho! Let's go to our table!" She says with excitement and I nod and "Hmm!".

We sit down at a table that has Todoroki-san, Iida-san and Midoriya-san already at it. "Oh! Is Kocho sitting with us?" Midoriya-san asks "Yes! Sorry, for not asking" Uraraka-san says sheepishly "No worries!" Iida-san yells.

"It's always so crowded in here!" Uraraka-san sighs. "That's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria." Iida-san says.

"This rice is delicious!" Uraraka-san gushes. I look at all the food everyone ordered and noticed it's not like what everyone ate back at the butterfly estate.

"You didn't order food, Kocho?" Todoroki-san asks and I just look up with him, the usual blank look in my eyes. And he just stares back, sweat dropping.

Midoriya-san breaks the silence "Guys, I'm kinda worried about the class rep thing, I don't think I'm qualified. I lean over the table and pat his head, smelling the worry oozing out of him. He bursts into red as I continue patting his head for a second before leaning back.

"Mphh mphh!" I 'say', trying to say 'Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll do great!' but because of my muzzle it just comes out as muffled words. "I think she is encouraging you! I'm sure you'll do great!" Iida-san partially yells.

"Hm?" "Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you've demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you, at least." I nod, not really understanding what he's saying but recognize the words of encouragement.

"You were one of the three? Didn't you wanna be rep really badly, I mean you do look the part. 'Cause of the glasses!" Midoriya-san squeaks. "That's not exactly how we should be choosing our rep. Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much."

"Agency?" Uraraka-san and Midoriya-san say in sync. "Hold on, what does your family do?"

"Uh‐‐ Oh, it's nothing." Iida-san stammers and I look at him confused. "Y'know, I've been wondering something about you. Admit it, Iida. You're filthy rich!" Uraraka-san says waving her arms around.

"Uh‐‐ I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family".


"You see, the Iidas have been pro heroes for generations. It runs in our blood."

"What? That's awesome!" Midoriya-san and Uraraka-san say in sync again.

"Are the two of you familiar with the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" Iida-san asks 'Ingenium??'

"I know all about him! He's a super‐popular pro with 65 sidekicks working alongside him at his Tokyo agency!" Midoriya-san fan-boys "Don't tell me..." He trails off

"He's my elder brother!"

"Your family's famous!" Uraraka-san says in astonishment. "I can't believe it!" Midoriya-san continues.

"Ingenium is an unmatched commander who honors the hero code. As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him. However, I think it might be a bit soon for me to be in a real leadership role. You, for example. You figured out what the judges were looking for in the practical exam. A rep needs that sort of insight." Iida-san explains.

Uraraka-san and Midoriya-san gasp as Iida-san smiles.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile, Tenya! You should do it more." Uraraka-san says happily.

"What're you talking about? I smile all the time!" Iida-san argues.

"Hey, yeah, so about that practical exam‐‐" Midoriya-san starts before getting cut off by an even louder bell than before, making me cover my ears again. 'sometimes I really hate my demon perks'.

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