Late Night Fun

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That night, Dani sat on Benny's bed thinking about Smalls's situation and Benny walked into the room straight out wearing only a towel.

He closed and locked the door behind him as he notices Rocki's state. "Hey, you okay?"

Dani nods. "Yeah. I'm fine."

She looks down and Benny sighs, walking over to her.

Benny sits down next to Dani and uses his index finger to lift up her face to meet his. "What's going on?"

Benny drops his hand as Dani sighs. "I just... I feel like this whole thing is my fault. If I hadn't busted the guts out of the ball that day, Smalls wouldn't have brought his Stepdad's ball to the Sandlot. I'm trying to make it right, but I don't know how."

She looks down slightly tearing up, but Benny cups her face lifting it up once again. "Hey, hey, hey. You did nothing wrong. You busting the guts out of that ball was something amazing, not something you should blame yourself for. You have nothing to be sorry for. Okay? None of this is your fault."

Dani nods wiping away her tears as Benny pulls his hands away. "Thank you, Benny. Your the best boyfriend ever."

Benny just smiles. "There's nothing to thank only the truth. Te amo, armosa." (I love you, Beautiful)

Dani chuckles. "Te amo, Benny." (I love you, Benny)

Benny smiles an leans in to kiss Dani, cupping her cheek. Dani kisses back putting her hand on his wrist.

(Warning slight smut)

Benny swiped his tongue across Dani's bottom lip, asking for entrance and Dani allowed him.

The kiss was passionate and full of emotion, two people each other's mouths.

Benny lightly pushed Dani down on the bed, climbing on top of her.

Dani wrapped her legs around his waist as Benny ran his hands up and down her body.

They pulled away for a breath and Benny lead kisses down Dani's jaw to her neck. He immediately attacked Dani's neck with his lips.

Benny kissed, sucked and bit Dani's tender skin leaving love marks on her neck. She moaned in pleasure as he nibbled on that one soft spot.

Benny slowly kissed back up Dani's jaw, taking her lips into his again. He let his hand roam until they found the buttons to Dani's night gown.

Benny unbuttoned the first one and Dani's breath hitched. He sensed this and pulled away to make sure she wanted this.

Dani stayed still for a moment, unsure of what to do, but when she looked into Benny's eyes, she knew what she wanted. She pulled Benny's lips back onto hers, telling him she wanted more.

Benny kissed back with the same intensity as he unbuttoned Dani's gown, taking it off completely.

The night consisted of the two teens exploring each other bodies and using them to show just how much they love each other

Legs tangled together, Benny smothers Dani with kisses as she laughs and giggles. "Benny, stop. If you keep going, we will never stop."

Benny smirks as he lets out a small chuckle. "I know. Sorry. Your just so amazing and beautiful. I can't keep my hands off you."

Dani giggles as she blushes. "I should go shower. I am filthy."

Benny nods placing a quick kiss on her nose before getting off the bed. "I'll join you."

Dani wears a playful confused look as Benny picks up a pair his shorts. "Didn't you just shower?"

Benny shrugs as he puts on his shorts. "I could shower again."

Dani Ruth - B. Rodriguez <3Where stories live. Discover now