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Chapter 21

When I opened my eyes again, I saw only black. I seemed to have a blindfold on. "Dazai? What the hell are you doing?" I shouted and as I tried moving, I felt my body tried up. "You little shit! What did you do with that woman? How could you! I thought you loved me!" It broke out of me and I tried desperately to escape the ropes. "Like I planned to keep the baby anyways! I wanted to tell you, but you wouldn't listen to me!"

"Now this is a very interesting turn of events" Suddenly Chuuya's voice appeared and I froze in place.

Wait what the hell? Crazy hat?

"What are you doing here?" I spit out and just couldn't believe he from all people would be here. How did he even find the house? "Well I kidnapped you so...There is that" He answered and suddenly it hit me like a train.

I must have traveled back in time but- This was the future where Dazai...

"What did you do to Dazai?" I shouted and Chuuya laughed. His footsteps came closer and he stopped in front of me. "Well- I just got the feeling you would be happy about the news he is dead" He replied and it all opened up to me.

I was in the alterative future where Dazai had been killed by Chuuya and his boss would come any moment now to use me and my ability. But why- why did I end up here?

"Eh? No response at all? You're so weird. Didn't you say you are pregnant? I just killed you baby's daddy and you aren't mad?" For some reason I had to chuckle. He must be so confused. Little did he know that I wasn't pregnant anymore. This was a whole different timeline where-

Were Dazai was dead.

I was about to scream something at crazy hat, when I remembered that I could simply go back in time! Him being dead now, doesn't mean he will be dead forever. All I need to do is go back and start new!

But how do I do that? I don't even remember how I got here in the first place. I thought I was only able to go back in time! Maybe I can travel through my memories and make them real again?

It was too confusing for me to find out now. What I had to do was stay alive and then find out how to go back to start everything again with Dazai. This time I would make him really fall in love! We will be happy together!

"Hey you listening you stupid chick?" Chuuya took me out of my thought and I sighted. "What?" I asked annoyed and he growled. "What the fuck is actually wrong with you? Are you realizing I have kidnapped you and killed your loverboy? The fucking dad of you unborn child. And I am going to kill you next and the baby you two could have had is never gonna be born cuz you all are dead" He shouted and grabbed my hair to pull up my hair und remove my blindfold.

I looked at him and grinned. "When is your boss gonna appear wanting to use my ability?" I asked and he looked surprised. "What?"

"You heard me correctly, when will he-" The door opened and when you talk about the devil- The boss of the Port Mafia came into the room. "What are you doing?" He asked and walked up to us.

"Ah hi boss man you finally appeared, I guess you wanna use my ability and I am good with that" I said and he kicked my face. I came so sudden that it took a second to realize. "How are you talking to me you worthless shit?" He said and stepped down on my head. My nose was bleeding and my head was dizzy from the pain "Who even is this brat?" "Saiko Sato sir. The daughter of-" "Yeah I know who Sato is, the traitor. Didn't I ask Dazai to kill him long ago? Oh- I see he is dead already. Can't punish him for that anymore sadly" All I could do I stare at his jeans that was right in front of my eyes and fight of the pain till i was clear in the head again.

"Boss this annoying girl here...She has quite the useful ability. I heard she can go back in memories. We could use that" Chuuya said and I felt the shoe move on my head. "Is that right brat?" He asked. "Yes sir, I can also travel back in time or well... It seems I can travel around in all kinds of memories and make them real, maybe? I don't have it actually figured out yet but-" I started and stopped. Maybe it is better they don't know more. "But? What but?" The boss asked and removed his foot to grab my hair and pull my head up. "Well ehm..." He looked me dead in the eye. "You better say or I will kill you. I am not planning on leaving you alive so you might become useful due to talking"

I swallowed and thought a second. "Okay so- this may sound like bullshit but- I have been here before another time and well...Chuuya had killed Dazai back then already. That's why I knew you would appear even though things did turn out differently" I explained and he looked for a while in my face, probably judging if he can believe any of my words. Then he let go of me and got up. "Get her to cleaned up and into my studies. I want to know everything about her ability" He said and left the room.

Wait did I just convince him? I made it!

I wasn't exactly happy much long, because when he found out I didn't actually know anything much, he became pretty upset. I had to go through a bit of painful torture, till he finally believed me that I didn't know more. He then decided that I could enter the Port Mafia and offered me to find out the true purpose of my ability. But if I ever were to betray him after I had joined, he would kill me.

Since I can travel around in time and only wanted to learn how to, I agreed on his deal and decided this was the best course of action in order to stay alive. If I hadn't joined him, he had killed me anyways.

After that day, a few months had passed. The training and research took far longer than I had ever expected, but I finally learned everything I needed to. I called my ability Memory Manipulation, because that's basically what it is. I can go through my memory and alter those. Either just go back to find out information, like I did once with my father, to find out why Dazai killed my parents. Or the other thing I can do is make memories into reality and live on through that. It does have its after effect like my voices. The more I travel around, the more they become present. For a long time I tried making sense how I could change the flow of time without making the universe explode, but since it didn't happen, I stopped questioning that.

The moment I was finally ready to go after my personal mission has come and I closed my eyes. All I had to do was concentrate, pinpoint the correct memory and travel back though the tunnel into that reality.



That's the memory!

Dazai-san, I am coming to save us. 

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