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Chapter 2

I didn't know where he was taking me, he just pulled me after himself away from the bridge, into the city. After a while I found myself in front of a bar called LUPIN. We entered and he finally let go of my hand. "Let's have a drink first" He said and sat down at the bar, pointing at the chair next to him. The bartender came up to us when I sat down, scanning me from top to bottom. "The usual Dazai? And you young lady?" Dazai nodded and both looked at me now. "By the way, how old are you? Can you drink?" He rested his head on the bar and sighted. "I bet you are a minor, if so then I can't have a perfect double suicide with you" he looked at me from the side and squeezed his eyes together. "Are you a child?" "I am 19, a water please" Was all I said and he sat back up clapping his hands together "Yaay so I can after all!"

He reminded me of a child. The way he behaved when it came to the topic suicide. What is his deal? I thought and thanked the bartender for the water, that he placed in front of me.

For a while all that filled the air was the music in the bar, till Dazai broke the silence. "Why did you want to jump?" He said out of nowhere. I took my glass and starred into it not saying a word. "Hmmm, well okay then" He sighted unsatisfied and took a zip of his drink.

"Because I don't think the life I have is worth living for" I said while placing my glass back. "There is too much asked of me to simply breath. And I can't stand it anymore, I am weak" Dazai looked over to me "That's it? All your reasoning?" My eyes crossed his "Then why do you want to die?" To my surprise he smiled. "Do you think there is any value in the act of living? In any living at all" I replied with a simple "No" "Okay, then tell me why you think that" I thought for a moment. "Well because this world is cruel and nobody cares anymore" He chuckled and turned his whole body towards me, looking my directly in the eye.

"The moment you are born you are already doomed to die. Everything you go through will be for nothing. In my entire life I have never felt anything worth living for. There is nothing but pointless actions that I do every day. No matter if I do good or bad, the moment I die it has no value anymore. All I truly want is a reason to live, but I don't have one. And I don't think I will ever find one" "And why is it that you want to die with someone this badly?" I asked and his cheeks got a bit flustered. "Because it's much nicer dying along side a pretty lady" He grinned and looked at me "You are a pretty lady" His eyes squeezed together and I just looked away. "You are extremely weird" I said and sighted. In response he chuckled "I know".

Somebody entered the bar "Anyways Dazai-san how-" I felt his hand on my leg suddenly. I looked at him and he gave me a sign to shut up. The person that entered walked up to the bar and stopped right behind us. My heart started racing, as I just stared at Dazai, who seemed totally calm. But his eyes, they were different than before. Something laid in them that gave me the chills.

"What are you doing here Chuuya?" Dazai said breaking the silence. I looked slowly over my back and saw a man with hat grinning at him. "I knew I would find you here" The man answered and in a matter of a blink second, Dazai jumped up and smashed him against the wall behind him. "Woaaah calm down Dazai, somebody is tense today" Chuuya smirked and got close to his face. "Why don't you let go of me and I'll tell you why I'm here" It took a second, but then Dazai let go of him and stepped back. Chuuya corrected his hat and grinned a bit bigger. "The boss wants to talk to you" He pulled out a phone "Why?" Dazai asked and threw a look over to me. "Let's go outside" he grabbed the phone and left through the door. Chuuya followed him and I was left alone with the bartender.

What just happened?

It didn't take all too long till Dazai came back alone. He sat down and drank his entire drink in one go. "Is everything okay?" I asked and he smiled softly "Everything is fine, don't you worry" I gave a "hmm" and looked at my glass once more.

A couple of minutes passed till I couldn't hold it in anymore. "So what about your double suicide thing?" He looked at me and tilted his head to the right. "Well we die together" "And?" "And what? What is there more? Boom, death" He got his wallet and pulled out some cash. "Didn't you think this through? Like how and when?" He shook his head and got up. "I needed to find someone first" I rolled my eyes and couldn't believe it. He didn't even have a plan!

"So I have to get going now, but here is my number. Write me as soon as possible so we find out when we do it" He gave me a card and waved me goodbye. Before I could say another word he vanished out of the door.

I looked at the card and sighted. "Hey Mister Bartender, you seem to know him... Is he always like that?" All I got was a small chuckle.

Ahhhh great! 

Perfect Double Suicide ~Dazai FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now