Soul Food

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She had said yes! Jessica Melbourn, the most popular, coolest, nicest, and possibly- no, hands down prettiest girl in the sophomore class had looked at Gary, looked right at him while he was burbeling like a dufus trying to ask her out.

"Ha, Hu, Hi Jess. A--um I was... I wanted to... Hey my friends and I are going to play someplace, um, Friday, maybe eat games after. Anyway: Uh. Would you like to come?"

She had said yes and, although he was sure it was just his imagination, Gary could have sworn she even smiled a little when she said it.

"You actually got a date with Jessica?" The voice on the other end of the line sounded incredulous.


"Jessica Melbourn?"

"Yes Tyler, and I could swear she looked happy a--"

"Gary my Man! That's awesome. You two have a great time tonight."

Gary's blood ran cold. "Wait. You're coming right? You got a date right? We talked about this."

Tyler laughed. "Sorry to bail on you man but Sarah turned me down."

"So ask Julie, or or or anybody, ask my sister I don't know."

"The day of? C'mon man that's not classy. You're just going to have to fly solo on this one bro. Let me know how it goes. Good luck."

Classy? Since when did Tyler worry about looking classy? What about dumping your best friend hours before the most important night of his life?Classy.

Hanging up the phone Gary noticed a letter addressed to him on the counter.Opening it he found a shiny gold debit card inside. He pulled the old one out of his wallet, broke it in two, and tossed it in the trash.The new card slid smoothly into place. Well at least he'd look classy paying for dinner.

Other than the hotel diner there was really only one sit down restaurant in town, it was kind of on the expensive side, but the food was good and Italian was classy. Classy apparently was the word of the day.

Pulling up in his parent's bran-vacuumed station wagon, Gary squared his shoulders and walked up to Jessica's door. She opened it before he could knock and smiled. Then grabbing his arm she whisked him down the driveway to the car where he opened her door.

"Ooo a gentleman! Classy."

Leaning over the seat she opened his door as he was walking around.

"So Mr. Classy, where are you taking me?"

Gary swallowed, he was not prepared for this kind of bravado. "I uh,"he could feel his cheeks burning. "I thought we'd try Antonio's?"

"Antonio's?On a first date? Are you planning on proposing already?"

"Pro-pra, pro-what?"

"Where are your friends?"

"About that..."

"Tyler bailed on you. I know."

"How do you?"

"He couldn't get a date. His sister told me."

"Word travels fast." Gary grimaced.

"How about we go to the curry shop instead. Then we can eat at the park,maybe dip our feet in the lake and watch the sunset?"

Gary stared slack jawed. Was Jessica Melbourn flirting with him? He nodded and felt his hand reach up to the ignition and turn the key.

"We can try Antonio's some other time when it's not so nice outside."

Another time? There was going to be another time? Don't screw this up Gary.Keep it classy, keep it classy.

They drove to the edge of town where the little fast food curry shop stood, an old service station that had been frankensteined into a takeout restaurant. Gary had heard the food was good, but he'd never had the guts to go inside.

He smiled as he looked up at the prices on the menu. "Get whatever you like."

The shop, though run down, was the model of efficiency and the food piled up in bursting plastic sacks, Styrofoam containers filled with massaman curry, tandoori chicken, garlic naan, rice, and lassi even before they could finish ordering. It was a veritable feast and Gary's stomach growled with pleasure as he pulled his brand new debit card from his wallet. This was surely going to be the best night of Gary's life. He smiled as he watched Jessica pinch a bit of naan that was poking out of its foil wrapping on top of the stack.

"It's declined."

Gary turned to look at the Indian woman behind the register. "Sorry what?"

"Your card was declined. Here try it again, sometimes our machine is no good."

Gary smiled. "I know there's money in the account..."

"It's declined again. Maybe try swiping instead. We'll run it as debit."

Gary could feel cold beads of perspiration in his left armpit. His hand shook as he pulled the shiny piece of gold plastic from the machine, swiped it, typed in his security code one... digit... at... a... time... and prayed! Blood screaming in his ears. Louder now, so loud, so hard it felt as if it would shake his body to pieces. The fate of Gary's universe moving on its eternal workings ground to a halt.

"Still declined. I'm sorry."

Not classy. Gary stared at his empty wallet, then up at Jessica. "I-I...I just got this debit card in the mail today. I'm sorry, I don't know why it's not—"

Jessica turned and left the shop without a word. Gary stared, watching the door shut as she disappeared. Turning again to the woman behind the register he showed her his empty wallet.

"We also take souls." The woman's voice seemed suddenly different,warped. The yellow specs in her eye glimmered with golden light. She tapped the plastic pen tethered to the credit card machine and held it out. The screen now showed a blood red line and an x next to where Gary's signature should go.

Gary took the pen with shaking fingers brought it down to the screen, then hesitated.

The woman grinned "Nervous? She seems worth it don't you think? I think she likes you."

In his minds eye he saw Jessica, beautiful Jessica Melbourn like a ghost, hands outstretched, begging for nourishment, for affection,for him, forever damned by the chains of commerce, the gulf of misery that kept her separated from all that she loved.

"Come now, you wouldn't want to disappoint the young lady."

A bell jingled as the door opened again behind him and Jessica, now carrying her purse, laid cash on the counter.

"We take cash to." The gold in the woman's eyes faded. Gary could swear he heard the clop clop of hooves on tile as she shifted her weight.

"Looks like it's Antonio's next week Mr. Classy. Now that you owe me."She smelled the contents of the carryout bag with gluttonous glee. "I don't know what they put in this stuff but I swear it's soul food."

Gary blew a sigh of relief and mumbled to himself as he stowed his wallet with the card that had nearly cost him eternity. "Miss Melbourne" he whispered, "You have no idea."

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