Chapter 45: The Death of Urbosa

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Why here? Why this moment? He didn't need some trial to tell him what happened here. The moment he came to this gorge after he awakened he recalled it immediately. This day remained etched in the back of his brain; the beginnings of a horrific memory. The knight sat staring at the four figures under the arch, racking his brain for clues. The last memory showed a event he didn't recall, even after his travels locating the pictures in his Sheikah Slate. So what was this, showing him a familiar time? What was this trial supposed to be?

Link, still dressed in his Gerudo outfit, watched from a small distance away as his blue clad counterpart walked with a long haired princess down the mountain before joining the rest of the Champions under the stone archway. He quickly turned, facing the opposite direction of the group as he looked up at the sky. He furrowed his eyes as he watched, refusing to blink. The sky above remained its bright orange color, the sun's orange rays shining through the gorge.

He turned to face the group as they continued to talk, too far away for Link to audibly hear their words, however he remembered very clearly what had been spoken. Though he remembered this moment, the moments between now and his time with Zelda were vague. He frowned as the thoughts in his brain began to work faster: there had to be a reason he was here. There must be.

The knight stumbled a bit as a rumbling came from the ground, his train of thought crashing off its rails. Catching his balance, the knight watched as the Rito of the group flew upwards into the now darkening sky. Links eyes moved from the hovering Rito to the now darkened clouds filling the orange morning sky, pink lightning shooting from their dark mist. He barely heard the Goron of the group give his instructions, signaling for the Champions to head to their Divine Beast. Before he could turn to face them, in a blur of gold, red, and orange, they flew past him in a hurry. He watched as the Champions darted with incredible speed down the mossy stone path. The Goron seemed to be rolling in his ball-like shape, the Gerudo was sprinting at an incredible speed, and the Zora seemed to be using a type of water magic to swim down the path. The Rito was nowhere to be seen, though it was easy to assume he had flown away some time ago.

The knight watched as the figures continued down the path before feeling two more individuals brush past him. Time seemed to slow as his eyes watched the blue clad knight and the princess follow suit, though relatively slower. Zelda unfortunately wasn't as fast, and her knight knew this. Continuing at her speed, the two Hylians of the group bolted down the pathway as well. The knight grinded his teeth, beginning to follow the knight and the Hylian princess, however the ringing voice began to vibrate in his mind once again.

You know who you must follow.

Link shut his eyes, grinding his teeth even harder as he balled his fist. After a frustrated deep breath, his eyes flew open as he began sprinting faster than before. With his full speed, he soon passed the Hylians he was following close behind. He glanced back, taking in the princesses' fear filled face, unable to take her eyes off the Calamity circling the sky, having to be guided by her knight down the path. With one final deep breath, the Link tore his gaze away from the Hylians as he began sprinting to catch up to the rest of the Champions.

It wasn't long before the open green fields of Hyrule became a fiery wasteland. The flames crept across the fields and over each valley as smoke rose higher into the now dark clouded sky. Heavy rainfall poured, slowing the rate in which the small towns in Hyrule Field burned. The pink lightning crashed down into the elegantly crafted stone guard towers that defended those villages as guards fought against the flames and the horde of pig-like monsters.

Many of the villagers had fled towards the guard's gatepost set just outside the entrance of the looming walls of the Great Plateau, water and debris falling from the tops of the towers. However, the post wasn't much safer. Swarms of Bokoblins rushed towards the gates, bashing wooden clubs and shields against the metal bars as archers from the guard's towers fired a rain of arrows down onto the horde. Though the more arrows were fired, it seemed as though if one monster was killed two more would take its place.

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