Chapter Twenty Three

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songs for this chapter: false alarm by the weeknd, dancer in the dark by chase atlantic

songs for this chapter: false alarm by the weeknd, dancer in the dark by chase atlantic

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"Why the fuck would you do that?" I look over at Barry with wild eyes. He stares at me with a dull expression, "because the Cameron's need to realize they can't get away with everything in this town."

I groan loudly. "But Rafe doesn't deserve to be thrown in jail for the rest of his life. He needs serious help and locking him in a cell isn't going to make him any better."

Barry raises an eyebrow, "so you agree he needs help. Like mental help, dude's insane."

Anger continues to flow through my veins as I stand up. He is just slightly taller than me, giving me an advantage if I wanted to knee him in the same spot Rafe did.

"He is not. Ward fucked him up in the head, okay? You don't know him like I do."

I'm not surprised when the dark headed boy lets out a laugh. Not just any laugh either, a close to tears, hunched over laugh. "I don't know Rafe? You've got to be kidding me. All he wants is drugs, sex, and money. That's pathetic."

Red lines my vision. I run my tongue over my teeth and spit at Barry's chest. It misses, but he notices my action and pierces his dark eyes in my direction. I can't help but swallow hard at the look in his eyes. Rafe was right, he doesn't fuck around, and I know I just crossed the line.

"You're more stupid than I thought."

As soon as the words leave his mouth I grab my phone from the couch and sprint towards the door. The tiny space doesn't give much room for hiding as Barry grabs my arm, pulling me back to face him.

"Come here, bitch. You're not getting out of this that easy." The air leaves my lungs as he kicks my back, sending me into the hardwood floor. I let out a groan and roll over on my side. White spots fill my vision as the pain shoots through my body.

Barry kneels down and moves my hair out of my face. The action makes me sick to my stomach, and it takes everything in me not to hurl all over his feet. Maybe that would help me out in this situation.

"You are pretty. I see why Country Club keeps you around..." he trials, "and you seem to be a slut."

Between the pain and pure fear, I feel trapped stuck here with this monster. I've never liked him; he's trailer trash that gets off on being a drug dealer to rich kids on this island.

"And you seem to be stuck on a power trip, what are you going to do? Sell drugs on OBX for the rest of your life?" My voice is laced with venom, the fear I have being masked somewhat. I can't let him know I am shaking on the inside.

Barry cocks his head to the side and knees me in the stomach. I hunch over in pain once more, tears pricking my eyes. "Rafe is going to kill you for doing this."

Obsessive / Rafe Cameron COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now