Chapter Twenty Two

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song for this chapter: sideways by illenium

song for this chapter: sideways by illenium

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Avery grips my hand hard as I pull her through the dark trees. Our breathing is shallow as we outrun the blue and red strobe lights. The sirens pierce my ears, and have been for the last ten minutes. It reminds me of my alarm going off for school. I wish I could tell my younger self, there are much worse things than that.

"Rafe, Avery stop now!"

I know Avery is looking at me with wide eyes. Those big blue eyes that have held such an innocence, now taken away from her.

"Do not let go." I tell her, picking up my pace even more than I thought was possible. Maybe the gym is paying off. Well, I am getting my cardio in other ways too... Rafe, snap out of it.

Street lights come into view and I know we are close to the other side of figure eight. The Patricks' house is literally a block away from where we are now, but it's not safe for us to go there anymore. After the party I threw, Shoupe will ask around and anybody in their right mind would tell them where it was, giving it away that is where I've been staying.

C'mon, think.

Then it hits me. Barry. He's always been a good friend to me, right? For the most part. Kinda? Whatever, he won't rat me out because then he goes down too. Ah, that means I'll get more coke.

"Rafe, where... are we... going? I can't feel my legs." Avery asks me breathlessly. I know she is tired, but she wanted to be in this, so we're going all the way.

I hook a quick left onto the sidewalk. "Just a few more minutes. Then we'll be safe where no one will find us."

Sometimes I wonder how the police in OBX stay alive. Why aren't they blocking the streets off right now, waiting for us to come out of the woods. I am being arrested for murder, you know. Oh well, more time for me to make an escape. Well, we. Still haven't gotten used to having a sidekick. Just as the thought crosses my mind, an array of police cars turn down the main road towards the country club.

"Shit." I curse, pulling Avery down to her knees.

"Ow, what are you doing?!" She yells and I quickly place my hand over her mouth. The two of us crouch behind a large weeping willow, the branches swing back and forth under the moonlight enough to cover us for a few minutes.

My eyes focus on the six cars that approach us quickly with each breath I take. I look down at the dirt filled ground and think of something from a happier time, but nothing comes to mind except for the girl next to me. Her dark brown hair is matted and greasy as sweat slides down her tan skin. She is so beautiful. An image of her laying across my lap laughing flashes through my mind. I don't remember what she was laughing so hard at because of how much I loved seeing her so happy. It has become an image that I will have in my brain forever.

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