Chapter Fifteen

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listen to angels by chase atlantic u won't regret it ;)

listen to angels by chase atlantic u won't regret it ;)

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I cross my legs as I sit down on the white loveseat. Rafe wipes under his nose as he comes up from doing a line. His blue eyes land on me as I wait not so patiently for whatever story he is about to tell me.

"Ever since I was young, I have always been treated differently by my dad." He speaks, his gaze staring out into nothingness as his mind wanders to his childhood. "Different in ways of how he spoke to me, spoke about me, and simply acted around me. It was like he never fully trusted me."

I nod, letting him continue. "I was always talked down to, like I was stupid and here on this earth to fuck everything up. Even when I did things perfect, it was never good enough; Not compared to Sarah."

My heart hurts for him already. I can just imagine a young Rafe running around trying to be a man for his dad. A boy who became a man too fast because of the things he saw in his own home.

"He wasn't always like that though. My mom died in childbirth with Wheezie. I was six when she passed, but from what I can remember she was the best mom in the world." He smiles, thinking of her. She must have been some sort of angel to deal with Ward.

"I'm sorry." I intervene, and he waves his hand, "it's fine. I'm glad I got the time I did with her."

It's a strange feeling to listen to Rafe speak highly of someone other than himself or Ward. If she were alive today, would he be half the person he is today? So angry and mad at the world.

"Anyway, back to the bullshit. When Rose came into the picture, I was ten. She immediately took the place of my mom. She acted like she never existed, and neither did my dad. He put on a whole new face for her and moved on from the death while the rest of us were still trying to process life without a mom. I was the only one who was really affected by it because I was the oldest, but I know it still sucked for Sarah and Wheezie."

I nod, listening intently. I like this side of Rafe, the vulnerable one. I'm starting to think he's never told this story out loud.

Rafe leans down and cuts another line. He takes it quickly before continuing, "my dad treated Rose like she was our mom. He never mentioned her, Alice was her name, and if one of us did, it was a slap to the face. He didn't want to make Rose feel uncomfortable by bringing up our real mom, he wanted her to believe she was that figure now."

"He hit y'all that young?" I ask, astounded at the confession. My dad has always been so loving and kind, I could never imagine him putting a hand on me now, much less at ten years old.

The blonde shrugs, "he hit me at least. Never laid a hand on the girls. Like I said before, I was the only one who really remembered her, so I had questions."

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