Breaking Germany (Chapter 1)

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"LET'S JUST!-" Britain raised his voice in sudden desperation, hoping to keep the two very powerful countries from going at each other's throats... again. "L-let's just talk this out. Okay?" He continued in a much quieter voice.

After much struggle, the American muttered an angry "fine" and stood back from the Soviet Union. The communist glared at America for several more minutes before nodding a bit and averting his attention to the UK.

Now that the attention was finally on him and the atmosphere was much less violent, Britain continued talking. "Okay. I understand what you're saying and, while I believe that Third Reich won't be too terribly difficult to take down, I still think we should go about this rationally." Soviet nodded in agreement and, although it took a while, America nodded ever so slightly as well. After breathing a quiet sigh of relief, Britain began to inform the two superpowers of his plan. "Alright, my plan is-"

He was interrupted by a gunshot, a loud gunshot, that echoed through the relatively quiet and somewhat peaceful atmosphere of the dimming evening. In a split second, America and Soviet both stood at the ready with weapons drawn. Britain joined them quickly, but wasn't instantaneously ready to fight like the other two. 

"What the fuck was that?" America hissed through clenched teeth, and Britain noticed the American's hand tightening on his pistol. 

"A gun." The USSR answered, a sarcastic ring in his tone.

"No shit." America growled back, facing Soviet again. Britain drew in a sharp breath, knowing this would get out of hand quickly if he didn't figure out a good way to intervene. "I'm asking as a more general question, smartass. As in: who shot that gun and why?" 

"Probably an idiot American deciding to backstab his allies." Soviet replied with a scowl. America gave him a low growl, gritting his teeth together and appearing to be on the brink of attacking the Soviet Union.

America put his gun in its holster and started taking steps toward the USSR. Britain watched as the Union cursed quietly to himself in his own language and holster his gun as well. Both superpowers had their hands in fists and looked ready to strangle each other. "You take that back right now. I am no where near an idiot. I am!-"

"Soviet, America, please!" Britain cried out, raising his voice as loudly as he dared. "Please, just stop clawing at each other's throats for one second! It's wearing me out to keep breaking these fights up and you won't have to even look at each other soon! All you have to do is win this war without killing each other and then you can ignore each other for as long as you both live!" He exclaimed hopefully.

America audibly sighed and opened his mouth to respond before a familiar, high-pitched, male-sounding voice called out, accompanied by running footsteps, "H-h-help! Help me!"

America's eyes widened. "No way. Is that-" All three heads were turned towards the country running straight for them, darting around the Nazi soldiers with ease. It was odd, too, that the Nazis had begun to just walk away, leaving their posts without a single look back. America's brow furrowed in confusion.

After several seconds of silence between the three countries, Britain replied in a tense voice. "It is." 

The USSR scoffed in annoyance and resentment. "How'd he get out? If I remember correctly, Nazi kept him heavily guarded and imprisoned." He muttered, facing the nearing country. America shrugged in response and Britain frowned a bit, lost in his own thoughts and theories.

Germany collapsed onto his knees before the three countries, panting, shaking, just appearing to be an absolute mess. His hair was tangled, his clothes ripped and tattered, and his yellow eyes were slightly reddened around the edges from the irritation daily tears caused. There were obvious dark bags under his eyes as well and he looked as if he was full on starving, being as he was unhealthily skinny and pale. "P-please..." Germany squeaked, appearing more pitiful now that he was talking in such a terrified tone. "I-I need y-y-your help-p..." 

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