
Start from the beginning

"Gosh, you're adorable." Minho teased. 

"Well, you like to dress me up in cute clothes." Jisung blushed, pretending to be mad.

"Look at you, how could I not?" Minho giggled. That damn laugh always brought a smile to Jisung's face. 

"I'll give them back tomorrow. Sound good?" 

"I think you should just keep them. It fits you better than it fits me." He smiled. 

"But they're your clothes. Won't you miss them?" 

"Nah, it's fine. You look better in them. I barely wore that anyways."

"Are you sure?" Jisung pouted. 

"You stress too much." Minho stood up, slightly towering over Jisung, and grabbed his cheeks. "It's okay. I promise. If it wasn't, you wouldn't even be wearing them right now, understand?" Jisung nodded and Minho rested their foreheads on each other. "Good. Cutie." He whispered the last part, grinning as the blush came back onto Jisung's face. 

"You're really trying to make me fall, aren't you, pretty boy?" 

"Well, is it working?" 

"Maybe, maybe not. You don't get to know." 

"Ugh, guess I'll just have to try harder," They made eye contact and laughed, knowing they sounded crazy, but it felt perfect between the two of them. They finished getting ready and Minho offered to walk Jisung home. Jisung accepted and the two walked to Jisung's just casually talking about whatever came to their minds, however crazy or weird. As Jisung's house came into sight, he was disappointed, not wanting to leave Minho. They stopped in Jisung's driveway to say their goodbyes. 

"What's your Instagram? So we can text." Jisung asked, causing Minho to laugh. 

"You really don't want to be without me, do you?" He grinned. Jisung smacked his arm. 

"Just tell me what the fuck it is." 

"Okay, okay. Gimme your phone." They exchanged usernames and followed each other before Jisung made his way into his house and Minho started his walk home. Just a few minutes after Jisung got settled in, the Hwang's rang the doorbell, a little late as expected. They made their way into the house, Hyunjin saying a brief 'Hi' to Mr. and Mrs. Han and then running to Jisung's room. 

"Dude, me and Seungmin went on the best date ever, yesterday," Hyunjin said, flopping onto his bed. Jisung was half-zoned out, staring at the wall. 

"For real?" Hyunjin smiled and nodded. He continued to talk about the date and how amazing it was. Jisung smiled fondly at his friend, wishing he could have something as cute as them. 

"You two have what everyone wants." Jisung smiled. 

"We do, don't we?" Hyunjin boasted. "Enough about me, how was your weekend? You didn't text me a million times like usual so I'm guessing it was eventful." 

"Not eventful perse. It was fun though. I enjoyed it." 

"What'd you do?" 

"Spent the entire time with Minho." He smiled, thinking back on the past few days. 


"Yeah, I just got home about 20 minutes ago," Jisung giggled. "Friday, we stayed here for a little while, but then went to his house, so I met his family. Then we just went to sleep and Saturday, we went out with Chan for some lunch. Then, went back to his place and just watched a movie. And then this morning, we got ready and he walked me home. We didn't do too much, just chilled really." 

"Did anything happen?" 

"No, you know how I am. I'm not ready. We did cuddle though and just- UGH he's so pretty." 

"Are you falling for him? Oh my god, THE Han Jisung can actually fall in love?" Hyunjin gasped dramatically.

"Oh shut up." Jisung threw a pillow at him. "I'm not falling in love, it's just a little crush. He's cute and sweet, okay? OH MY GOD, that reminds me, he calls me cute all the time and I just feel like I'm gonna die." 

"Mhm, just a little crush my ass. You two might as well go ahead and get married." Hyunjin teased. 

"Oh, c'mon Jin, we're just flirting and fucking around. Nothing serious. It's fun. There's no pressure, I like it." 

"So, you're sure he's not a fuck-boy? I don't want you getting hurt." 

"Dude, I'm positive. He's so amazing. And we talked about that. He wants an actual relationship, and I don't know if I want that. I kinda just love the effortlessness that I have with him." 

"Well, I wish you luck with him." 

"Thanks, Jinnie." Jisung smiled. 

"Of course." 

"COME ON OUT, BOYS." Jisung's dad called out, signaling lunch was ready. 

"Don't tell my parents about Minho," Jisung said, before walking towards the door. 

"Then don't tell mine I've been driving Seungmin around." 

"Deal." They both laughed and made their way to the kitchen to share a meal with their families. 

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