Prologue: Der Tor

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July 15th, 1952
Berlin, German Empire
Friedrich WIlhelm V

"As you can see behind me..."

"Authorities have announced an official statement regarding..."

"The Military have formed a perimeter around the "Gate" as they called it..."

"It is currently estimated that about 250 people has died..."

"Japan and Russia have voiced their support for an expedition through the Gate. Rumor has it Marshal Zhukov have begun sending troops for an invasion. Now back to the studio..."

Inside his office in the Reichstag, a man was standing, sipping his freshly brewed coffee while looking out of his office window.

That man, was Friedrich WIlhelm Victor Albert Wolfgang Hubertus Archibald Kaiser von Deutchsland.

Also known as Friedrich Wilhelm V.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He have ascended to the throne barely a year ago and after the clusterfuck that is the Weltkrieg, he hoped he could finally lead the nation in peace.

Then the Gate happened.

He have been looking forward to his one year anniversary as Kaiser so he could have an excuse to go on a vacation with his family, he heard Hawaii's having some nice weather this time of the year, but then the Gate appeared and throw his plans out the window.

Ah yes the Gate, the mysterious passage way to another world that open up without warning in the middle of Berlin, then a bunch of Roman Rip-offs came out with some human-animal hybrids and fantasy bullshit and began massacring the populace.

He's now thankful he hid a rifle in his office.

When those Romans attack, civilians and policemen, having been overwhelmed by the sheer number of invaders retreated to the Reichstag where thankfully SS armed with STG 44 and a few thousand reserved ammunition managed to keep them at bay. Even he shoot down a few men and even a Dragon Rider with his old Gewehr 98. They managed to hold up for half an hour until the Luftwaffe arrived and the famous Jericho siren blare out across Berlin.

The Wehrmacht followed suit and lets just say spears and bows are no match for a Tiger's 88 mm gun and 120 mm armor.

They're just fortunate Project: Königstiger Isn't scheduled for release, for another month.

The military have secured the city and put a perimeter around the Gate. Good thinking since not long afterwards a second wave came out of the Gate. But this time, every single Tanks, Flaks, and Machine Guns are facing towards the Gate.

Let's just hope the Geneva convention doesn't extend to Romans.

As he was reading reports and messages, the door to his office opens, and enters the Chancellor of Germany.

The man bowed down in front of him.

"Your Highness." The chancellor greeted.

"Chancellor, something important I assume?" asked the Kaiser

"Yes, Russia have asked to sent troops through the Gate alongside the initial invasion force, it seems they have some citizens killed or missing as well." He answered firmly.

"Hm, and Japan?"

"Still busy, the communist are on their last leg and they wish to finish them first. Although they're sending a small expeditionary force."

Ah yes, the communist. Even after America, France, Britain, and North Italy, people still believes Communism, Syndicalism, and other extreme left ideologies would work as a Gonverment.

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