Chapter 5: Itallica

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August 17th, 1952, Coda Village Outskirts
Elf Girl, Hospital Tent

After the Battle(Burning) of Coda Village, the allied armies have set up a temporary camp to take care of wounded civilians before they could march on Itallica. Nurses and doctors are busy taking care of the villagers (And a few idiots who burned themselves)

On one of the beds, a girl with pointy ears woke up, screaming.

She woke up screaming, and in a cold sweat. Having nightmares from what happened last night, from the fire dragon burning her village and the bandits. She look around, and she screamed again when she saw a man beside her.

The man wore a white cloak, which do little to hide his horribly deformed face.

"Somnum exterreri?" ("Nightmares?") The man asked. The elf girl froze. She look up, to the man's mangled face, which stared back with his weirdly kind eyes. She somewhat, feels safe, after what she went through she finally feel safe(NO! Get your mind out of the goddamn gutter assholes)

"Habes somnum visio nocturna?" ("You got nightmares kid?") The girl nods. "Hah, Bene volo habere somnia etiam si per quod stercore ibam" ("Hah, Well I would have nightmares as well if I went through that shit.")

The man put away his stick and open up a bottle with some clear liquid nearby, It looks like water but she could tell from the smell it was alcohol and a strong one at that. After chugging down the entire bottle, the man wipes off his mouth and threw the bottle into a nearby bucket. He looked back towards her smiling.

"Placetne tibi haedus venaticus?" ("So you like Hunting kid?")

Road to Itallica
Albert von Bismarck, König von Sachsen

"Oi Albert, you got more Cubans?"

Albert looked down at the Gunner, and threw a cigar down the tank, as he held a lighter on his left hand. Meanwhile, Hans burns cigar and enjoys himself.

Well, he'd been smoking inside the tank since day one, pretty much everyone is used to the smell of cigars inside.

They've been driving towards the city of Itallica with a convoy of 4 tanks, 4 half-tracks, a few troop trucks with Artillery, and the count in the middle, riding a Kubelwagen The old count said he originally wanted to bring an old friend with him, but he has other matters to attend to so he couldn't come.

At this rate, they should arrive at Itallica in 10 minutes, and back to the one thing, he hated most in the world, right below spoiled beer and crappy Hamburg Steak, Politics. Even if his Great Grandfather was the man who pretty much single-handedly created the German Empire with his machinations, Politics is still lost to him. As his Great Grandfather said, 'I have mastered the art of using many words, to say nothing at all.'

While the treaty to turn Itallica, and the bigger Alnus region into a Protected State under Germany has been drafted, and signed by both the Kaiser and Count Formal, they knew if they leave it wouldn't be long before Sadera jumps in and burn down the city. Not to mention the families of the victim of the Berlin attack demanding justice, which honestly won't happen until they held the Emperor by gunpoint. Unless of course, they could convince someone high up the Saderan government that war wasn't worth it.

Then again, if a civilization has been at the top of the world for too long, they tend to grow a borderline fascist invincibility complex. Like when the British meet the Chinese Emperor offering to trade modern rifles and ships, he said no in Latin because that's what Europeans spoke last time, and all Europeans are the same, before getting his ass kicked during the Opium war.

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