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First Sino-Japanese war.

China lose the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan, and Penghu to Japan, and pays massive war compensation.


Spanish-American war

Japan exploited the war by invading the Philipines and Guam, surprising the small detachment of spanish guards. Spain relented, and transfer control of the Philipines and Guam to Japan.

The Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, passed away.


After a heated debate in the Imperial diet alongside demands for equal rights from the filipinos, the Japanese gonverment granted 2nd class citizenships to Spanish colonist, Filipinos, and Chinese. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

1899 - 1901

Boxer rebellion


Wanting a second warm water port, the Russian Empire demanded the Liaodong peninsula from the Japanese. In response, the Japanese attacked Port Arthur, and the Russo-Japanese war began.


After the disaster at Port Arthur, Russia sent the Baltic fleet, scheduled to dock at Vladivostok. They pass through the Tsushima strait, and was promptly ambushed, and anihilated.

During peace negotiation, mediated by Britain, Russia offered to secede Kuril and Sakhalin islands in exchange for Japan not demanding reparation. They begrudgingly agree as to prevent British intervention.


Korea was annexed


Emperor Meiji passed away, replaced by Prince Yoshito as the Taisho Emperor


First world war fired up.

Japan joined the Entente and attack German colonies in asia, they also sent and expedition force to europe.


Kaiser Wilhelm II refused General Ludendorf's plan for unrestricted submarine warfare due to fears of American intervention.

The communist Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian gonverment, installing a communist gonverment


Rice Riots in Japan

The IJA's handling of the riots saw them strip of their gonvermental powers.

Germany continues marching into Russia until eventually Russia capitulates after a month long siege at Petrograd. The Brest-Litovsk treaty was signed, and Russia lost most of their industrial base.

The whole incident completely decimates confidence in the Bolsheviks, already shaken from their dictatorial actions. The resulting feud devolves into a civil war.


The Entente attempted a last-ditch offensive that resulted in utter failure. The French have reported multiple mutiny's and worryingly high rate of desertion among their troops

While the French are in disarray, the Germans launched a massive offensive with their new Panzer(Reverse-engineered landships) divisions. The weaken french line broke, and not long afterwards, Paris is under siege.

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