chapter 26

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"I want you to get back together with me. Doesn't seem so hard right? Well there's more." She said and I gulped at the last sentence. "You must get the punishments for escaping from me."

I soon saw myself in the same position as my nightmare. Bleeding everywhere, feeling numb, her holding my chin up and I then black out.

I woke up feeling numb, just like earlier. I saw bandages all around me and Baal just standing there with no emotions. I felt scared as she has the power to do that to me again.

I sobbed just at the sight of her. She sat down next to me, starting to rub my hand softly. I was very confused and I was looking straight at her hand and then straight at her face. She then stared at me and we had eye contact for a couple of seconds until I broke it, looking down at the blanket covering me.

"I'm.. sorry." She said. "I didn't mean to cheat on you like that, and I didn't know how hard I punished you until you blacked out." It felt good hearing that from her but I just couldn't accept it yet.

"It's okay.." I said, scared of what I would get if I said no or stayed silent. "I will be back." She said and then left the room.

Love for Eternity • Raiden ShogunWhere stories live. Discover now