chapter 3

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I first went to go grocery shopping, which wasn't to difficult. Then I went clothes shopping, which wasn't that difficult either. The last thing was to find the document she was requesting, but first I dropped everything off in the courtyard in an area where I could easily pick it up later.

The document was in a building which was pretty secure. I had to tell every single guard who I was and they finally let me in. I had only about 15 minutes to find the document, and she told me what kind in what room but didn't tell me exactly where in the room it was. I spent a good 5 minutes looking for the documents and searching through every single pile until I found it. 

I went back to where I left the other stuff and the walk was a good 7 minutes from the other building. I picked all of the stuff and left the clothes for her in her room and my clothes in my room. I dropped the food off in a kitchen/pantry area. I didn't know what to do with the document so I was searching for the Raiden Shogun. I found her by the entrance and I handed her the document.

"Thank you." She said and smiled. "No problem!" I replied. She told me that there was dinner and that I should go an area to eat. I then watched her walk off.

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