chapter 11

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I woke up. I wasn't on the island anymore, but in a room. I tried to sit up but the pain hurt way too much so I just remained in bed. I couldn't really remember what happened after I fell to the ground. Where am I? Who's room is this?

I heard footsteps from outside of the room, they were getting closer. I heard the handle of the door turning. I tried hiding under the blanket, since I didn't know who it was. The footsteps were even closer, until they stopped.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" a soft-sounding voice said. I lifted up the blanket and checked to see who it was. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am a maid, Baal told me to take care of you." The person said. "Oh.. well thank you." I replied. I stayed silent, I was too tired for this.

"I will take my leave." The maid said and then left. I then laid back down and stared at the ceiling. "What was the meaning of all of this? Why is Baal.. so distant?" I said to myself. It was true, where was she? Again, I'm too tired. I'll figure it out later.

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