chapter 14

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Now, the story isn't quite done. 

We hung out a lot, like every day. We went to many places, went around the island, we even went swimming sometimes. It was a lot of fun to be with her. It felt too good to be true, but I was happy with what I had. My life felt better. 

I still worked under her, of course. Though, we were much closer. We bonded much more over a couple of weeks. I was very happy, probably the happiest I ever was. Word spread around the city but we both really didn't care.

We reserved a date at a restaurant. An anniversary for 1 month, and it was finally time to get ready for it. I put on formal clothes and a bit of makeup. I waited at the entrance of the building for Baal. It only took a couple of minutes before she came down.

She looked stunning. Everything she wore was amazing and always suited her. We both walked, hands interlocked, to the restaurant. We sat down at a table and waited for the waiter or waitress to come to our table.

"Hello! Welcome to xxxx xxxxxxxxxx. What would you guys like for drinks?" The waitress said to us. "I will have a water." I said. "I will also have a glass of water." Baal said. "Alright! I will be back with your drinks shortly." The waitress said and walked off. Baal and I chatted about some random stuff about Inazuma and the market.

"I am back with the waters!" The waitress said and put our drinks on the table. "Do you guys know what food you want to order?" She asked. We both ordered dishes we never tried and only around 10-15 minutes it was brought to us.

The food was delicious. "If I ever come back, I will definitely be getting more of this." I said. We grabbed our stuff and left. It only felt like 5 minutes there. Time went by so fast.

Love for Eternity • Raiden Shogunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें