Chapter 10 Lyons, Colorado-17 years earlier - Aurora

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"Yes. They keep us in cages our whole lives, because we're weird," Sam, flatly.

"How long have you been locked up?" I ask him.

"I don't want to talk to you," Sam says.

"He's fine; he's just upset we're going to get in trouble when we get caught and we'll get the chair and I hate the chair too it hurts really really bad but this is way more fun than I've had in forever so it'll be worth it!"

"What's the chair?"

"Something bad," Sam, sullen.

"What makes you think we'll be caught? I've been loose before," Angel says, confidently.

"Yes, you were caught before---genius," Sam.

"Don't fight---do not---maybe we'll get away this time," Arthur says.

"I certainly hope so," I say, wondering what sort of thing the chair is. A torture chair? I mean, it sounds like it.

Anyway that's basically how conversation goes. Angel is apparently the only one who really remembers his family, so we're going to find them and let him go home. Maybe the family will take another one? I mean, I would take the other two, but they wouldn't want my family; my family is horrible. I don't want my family. But surely somebody would? They ought not be in cages. Even if they can levitate things they are little boys who don't mean any harm. Any real harm.

We stop once we get out of Colorado, because we're all hungry and I'm tired. I have pocket money, reserved for gas mostly. I don't know if it's enough for food.

I'm standing by the car counting it while the boys go inside. In retrospect, the sweaters over the jumpsuits don't really disguise them. It was worth a try.

"Why aren't you going in?" I ask Sam, who's standing outside nearish to me.

"The sky's out here," he says, tipping his head back to stare at the sun.

I don't say anything because I figure he wouldn't respond. He just keeps on staring at the sky. Like he knows he isn't really free.

It's hot here, and there's sand blowing everywhere. In his weird silver space suit with my brother's sweater pulled over it, he doesn't look quite real. Or alive. Like he's something else dropped her that perfectly doesn't belong. So stark and glowing and close to death against the landscape of the desert that's been here forever and always will be. After we're all dead and gone our dust will blow around with this dust of other civilizations had no meaning either.

"Hi, I got snacks," Arthur returns, with his mouthful, holding an inordinate amount of candy that he's trying to give to Sam.

"What----" Sam pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a very, very deep breath. "Art ---did—" the deep breath did not help. "Did you just steal this?"

"Yeah," Arthur, proud, with his mouthful.

"You are a kleptomaniac---I can't leave you alone for one second?" Sam asks, thoroughly annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I brought you chocolate you like chocolate and I don't want to give it back," Arthur hangs his head.

"Okay, let's go," Angel appears behind me making me jump. He's carrying two coffees.

"You stole that as well?" Sam asks.

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"I move space so I am places I want to be faster, let's get in," Angel says, getting in the car, "You wanted coffee?"

"Yeah, I never said that though," I look directly at Arthur.

I'm sorry you thought about and he asked what I thought you wanted. He thinks you look pretty.

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