Hogwarts x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

' By the way, how are you going to convince the others that you are a first year?' Serverus asked, curiosity filling his eyes.

' Oh, I can alter my appearance.' M/n answered as his body is suddenly covered in a thick bluish mist. When the mist dissipate, M/n looked smaller than he was. But he still have the same (e/c) orbs and (h/c)-ette hair.

' Like this!' he said cheerily before changing back.

' I knew I chose the right person to play this part!' Albus exclaimed gleefully. M/n just chuckles as he make his way to the door.

' I'll see you guys in a few weeks!'

' Bye, M/n.' Serverus replied, smiling at their leaving friend.

Just as he reach the doorframe, he turn around.

' Oh, and Minerva. I'd really appreciate it if you can hang him on the flagpole for a week. Thanks in advance!' Just as he said that, M/n fled the scene, laughing maniacally through the hallway.

Minerva is grinning wildly, knowing she would not let him down on what she's about to do. Albus pales, feeling the need to find a place to hide, while Serverus is trying his hardest to hold his laughter in and ended up failing.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

M/n had altered his body so that he would look around the same age as the first-years before he arrives at the Diagon Alley. Well, he still needs the school supplies so he wouldn't look weird, going to class without a book and everything that could happen. And, of course, all of this is paid by the beloved principal of Hogwarts. He did put M/n in this mess after all.

' And the last thing on the list... A wand.' he muttered to himself. He needs a new wand, considering it would be useful since the ones he had snapped when he was adventuring in a mystical forest near his house a few years back. He head to the Ollivanders and opens the door. No customers inside.

' Hello.'

Suddenly, a ladder with a man comes into the view. He look at M/n curiously and got down from the ladder.

' Mr. L/n? I remembered you being bigger than this the last time you come here?' the owner of the shop started as he reach the floor.

' Well, some stuff happens and I was needed at the Hogwarts as a fake student. All because of Dumbledore's selfish action.' he replied.

' I see. I'm guessing you need a new wand since you manage to snap your old ones.' Garrick pranced around the shop to find a suitable wand.

' Yeah. Sorry about that.'

' Well, you did have quite the magic in you.' he said as he pulled out a long small box. ' Maybe a wand made of Ebony wood with a phoenix feather core and 15 inches long can be your new partner?'

He hands the wand to M/n, waiting to see if there's any sign. Nothing happens at first, but when he finally wave it a little, he was shone by a mysterious light, indicating the wand chooses him.

' I was thinking of this wand when you came here last time. I guess it finally become yours.' Garrick chuckled.

' It's a beautiful wand. Thanks, Garrick.'

' I almost thought that it was your kid that comes in at first. That's why I called you by your last name earlier.'

' I figured that much. How are you these days?'

' Everything is going as usual. Kids coming in to buy their first wands. And having tea every now and then.'

' And you didn't invite me? I'm hurt...'

They laughed.

' Well, I have to go. I'll come for a visit later. Send Mrs. Ollivanders my regards.'

' I will. Goodbye M/n. Have fun in Hogwarts for the second time!'

' Oh Merlin. Why do I have to face this torture again...' M/n pouted as he makes his way to the door. Just as he was about to reach the door, it swung open.

' Hello? Oh, sorry!' a boy said as he noticed the presence of M/n behind the door.

' It's fine. Go ahead.' M/n gestured for him to go in first. The boy did and thank him.

Just as the door about to shut, he heard Garrick said the boy's name.

' Ah, I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter.'

He looks back at shop from the window.

' So, that's the boy of the rumors? Well, I'll have to be around him then. Voldy will probably send his rookies to harm him.' he thought as he leaves the store.

' I think that's all. Let's go.' he said to himself.

Hogwarts, here I come!

°~Thanks for reading~°

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