Chapter 12: Fate's Little Test

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It had been several months since you, Yoongi and Hobi returned back home. Life for the most part returned back to normal. You went back to work, the boys went back to lovingly bickering like they always did. The vacation plan worked like you wanted, it brought everyone closer together and brought Hobi out of his shell. He wasn't afraid anymore to be seen with the two of you together in public. Even showing affection to Yoongi and taking him on dates alone sometimes.

"I will be heading off first today Hobi, make sure she gets up for work in time." Yoongi says as he heads toward the door, slipping on his shoes.
"Sure. But where are you headed, we don't have anything on the schedule for a few more months." he says walking over to the coffe pot and getting things ready to make him and YN a fresh pot of coffee.
"Jin wants to go fishing for a little while today, I promised him I would go. He was disappointed we didnt invite him to the sates." Yoongi says through a chuckle.
"Alright then. Have a good time." Hobi says with a smile.
"I will be going first." he says kissing Hobi's cheek and walking out the door.

After the cofffee was done brewing, Hobi fixed you a cup with your favorite creamer and oat milk. Once he was content with the mixture, he headed upstairs to the bedroom he shared with you and Yoongi.
Your alarm on your phone was already rining loudly about the room, and you had already tossed it to the floor and your head was buried underneath your pillow.
"Babe, its time to get up and get ready for work." he says as he sits the cup on the bed side table and sat down on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing your back.
"Hobi..." you groan as he pulls the pillow from your face.
"Yes, whats wrong?" he chuckles lightly and places his hand on your cheek. "Oh my god you are burning up." he says touching your forehead now.
"I am feel like absolute dog shit." you say pulling the blankets over your face.
"Do you feel like you need to go to the doctor?" he says trying to get her to come out from underneath blankets again.
"I feel like I need to barf...." you say juming up from the bed and sprinting straight for the bathroom.
Hobi took her phone from the floor and slide the lock screen open and dialed Yoongi's number.
"Hey babe, I went fishing with Jin. I told you last night. I swear your memory gets the better of you sometimes." he chuckles.
"Its Hoseok." Hobi says with a serious tone.
"Something must be wrong, you hardly ever use your first name anymore." Yoongi says, Hobi could hear the slight smirk in his voice. "I told you she can be a bit of brat sometimes. Surprised its taken her this long to show you that side. Anyways, just give her coffee and dumplings and she will perk up...."
"Yoongi shut the fuck up! Hobi shouts into the phone. "Shes sick, shes running a fever and throwing up. I just wanted to call you and let you be aware."
There was silence on the other end followed by a small snicker from Jin.
"She might be pregnant guys..." Jin says in the background.
"I doubt it." Yoongi says matter of factly. "She tracks that stuff and takes care of it. Besides we all agreed that we would discuss if we ever wanted kids." Yoongi says, the denial apparent in his voice.
"Alright well in any case, I am gonna make her stay home today and rest. Her face isnt her normal color, and she was burning up." Hobi says.
"Do you need me to come back?"
"No. Enjoy your day with Jin. I will take care of her. I will update you and call you if we do need you to come home."
"Alright. Make sure she rests, she over does it when shes sick. Especially if they make her do computer work at home."
"Will do. Alright I am hanging up first. Mm. Bye." Hobi says as he hangs up the phone. Just then you walk out of the bathroom and walk over to your closet.
"Nah uh, what do you think you are doing?" Hobi says walking over to you and pulling you away from the closet.
"Getting ready for work..." you say looking up to him with confusion.
"Absolutely not. Go take you a nice bath and then get your ass back in bed and rest." Hobi instructs and shoving you gently back towards the bathroom. "Here I will even start the water for you, sit there." he says pointing to the toliet.
"Hobi, I feel better now. Honestly. It must've been something I ate." you sigh as you sit down.
He looks over to you and touches your cheek again to feel that you are still running a fever. "Nope, you are defiently sick. You sit in here and relax. I will take care of your work for you. When you are done get back in bed and I will bring you up some soup."
You know there was no talking him out of this and so you just simply nodded your head and leaned your chin into your hand as you rested your elbow against your leg.
"I dont even know why you work anyways. You know me and Yoongi are more than happy to take care of you."  he says with a small sigh.
"I like working, Hobi. It keeps me busy. It doesnt give my brain time to wander off."
"You know thats not healthy. At some point, you will have to face what you are avoiding."
"Mm. Eventually." you say quietly.
"Well, here enjoy your bath. I will come check on you in a little while later." he says kissing the top of your head.
"Hobi..." you say grabbing his hand.
"Yes?" he says turning to smile at you.
"I love you, Hobi."
"I love you too." he smiles back at you and then turns to leave.

After awhile, Hobi is downstairs rearranging things, and unpacking some of things he brought from his apartment, and figuring out what he wanted to keep here and take to his stuido.
When you wandered downstairs and sat on the couch, stretching your legs across the sofa and watching him contently.
"What are you doing down here? I said I would bring you up some soup in a bit." he sighs as he walks over and sits next to you.
"Hobi I need to tell you something...."
"What is it?" he says smiling as he lays your legs across his lap.
"I am afraid." you say looking away from his eyes.
"Why would you be afraid? Theres no reason to be." he says, his smile slowly falling from his face. His eyes fixating on yours and holding your gaze.
"I am afraid what I need to tell you and Yoongi, might pull us apart." you say fidgedting with your fingers nervously.
Hobi takes your hands in his and moves closer to you.
"I am sure whatever it is, we will all get through it together. So tell me whats going on." he says, his eyes still not leaving yours.
"I took...." you start as you look away.
"Yes...." he says pulling your chin to make you look at him. "You took a what?"
"I took a pregnancy test after we got back from vacation. I was a little late. But I thought it was just all the exciement and everything taking a toll and returning to work. But it was positive. But I thought maybe it was a false. I just took another, just now....."
"And its still positive?" he asks curiously.
"Mm." you say shaking your head.
"And why are you afraid to tell us? Why would that tear us apart? We all knew the risk with being in this kind of relationship." Hobi says matter of factly.
"You cant be serious...?" Yoongi's voice now enters the room. Both you and Hobi look up to see him standing at the door, in apparent shock.
"When did you get here?" you ask looking over to him.
"I came back early to make sure you were alright. Were you seriously going to keep this from me?" he says, his voice rising.
"No no no, I was just afraid of what you...."
"What because we both fuck you, so I wouldn't be okay with you having a kid?"
"Yoongi calm down, you are not really exactly proving her wrong." Hobi says standing up and moving in front of him to keep him from doing anything irrational.
"I trusted you to come to me with everything, and you hide something like this from me." he says looking over Hobi's shoulder and over to you.
"You are right. I am sorry. I am gonna go upstairs now to think of what to do next." you say, and with that you get up from the couch and walk up the stairs without another word.
"Yoongi, why do you act so harsh all the time? Why cant you have some compassion for five minutes." Hobi says shoving him lightly.
"She shouldnt feel that way. She knows she can tell me anything."
"Really? Cause you booked it for 3 days while we were in LA." Hobi says crossing his arms.
"And you are any better?" Yoongi says angrily. "You were ashamed us for a long while."
"Thats hardly fair Yoongi."
"How? Its not just me, its this whole situation we are in that shes afraid to tell either of us anything." he says walking past him.
"You want me to leave?" Hobi asks, putting his hand on the door.
"Yea I do. Asking you to be in this relationship was a mistake. And I am done." Yoongi says not looking back at him.
"And what if...." Hobi starts but doesn't finish the sentence.
"We will cross the bridge when we get there."
"Well I am not going anywhere Yoongi. So you are just going to have to get over it." Hobi says walking back into the living room and sitting down.
"Whatever." Yoongi says rolling his eyes and sitting down at the dinning room table. "One of us should go up there and talk to her."
"No. She will come down when she is ready." Hobi says burrying his face in his hands. "Just dont be too much of an idiot when she comes down."
"Yea yea...." Yoongi says as he taps his fingers nervously on the table. A million and one thoughts racing through his head.

You, Me, and Hobi (Yoongi/Reader/Hobi)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon