Chapter 7: Vacation Pt1

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After you returned home, you stormed through the apartment.
It was normal for the two of them to bicker, its who they were together, but to pull a massive fight out in public, what were they thinking?
They weren't at all. And especially not about their image either.
You sighed heavily and sprinted up the stairs and into the bedroom. You didnt know what else to do, so you decided to just lay down on the bed.
"Maybe Yoongi was right when he said Hobi wasn't the right fit for the relationship. Or maybe....maybe it was something the two of you shouldnt have pursued in the first place...." you think to yourself as you roll over onto your side.
Yoongi had been so sure that Hobi wouldn't be weird about it, but if things kept going this way, maybe it would have to end to save what little of at least their friendship was left.
After awhile of laying in the quiet and letting your mind run rampad with all the thoughts buzzing in your head, you could hear light foosteps out the door and then the door  slowly opening.
You could tell it was Hoseok. Yoongi was way too quiet when he walked and you could almost never hear when he was approaching.
"Are you in here?" Hoseok called quietly as he peaked his head inside. You didnt roll over. You didnt want him to see you crying. You hardly ever cried, but this whole sitaution was upsetting. And you were hurting. But not just for yourself. But for Yoongi too. He wanted this to work more than anything. Even if he had a hard time putting it into words.
"Mm..." you say quietly.
"Are you sleeping?" he asks curiously as he walks over to the bed and sits down at the edge.
"No." you say wiping your eyes.
"I am sorry...." he says as he lays down beside you and pulls you close to his chest. "I am sorry if I embarassed you." he apologizes again as he pushes the hair away from your face and kisses your cheek. Feeling the wetness of the tears that were just falling freely down your face. "Dont cry...please..." he says soothingly as he wraps his arms around you and squeezes tightly.
"I am not crying for what happened. I am use to the both of you fighting. I am crying because if we all keep going this way, we are going to loose someone in the relationship. One of you will get tired and walk away for good." 
He sighs against your neck and runs his finger along your side. "I am not going anywhere." he says kissing your shoulder.
"Then can you act like it?" you say rather harshly, closing your eyes.
"I...." Hobi starts to say but he stops. Shocked that she spoke so harshly. She hardly ever gets angry with him.
"This isn't new to just you either Hobi..." you say still facing away from him. "It was just me and Yoongi for 4 years, and then all of a sudden he wants to add a third person. I didnt even agree until he said he wanted it to be you. We already know and trust you. I..." you trail off.
"Yes?" Hobi says waiting for you to finish.
"Forget it." you say pulling away from him.
The sound of a throat clearing filled the room and you knew all too well that that was Yoongi. Both you and Hobi roll over to see Yoongi leaning against the doorway, a dismay look on his face. His arms crossed across his chest. "She loves you too Hobi. Is what she was gonna say. Its why I chose you. We all care for each other. You both think I dont see things, and that I act without thinking, but I dont."
Hobi looks away from Yoongi's eyes and sighs. "I am sorry guys. Really. You are making it seem like I dont want this, when I do. I really am trying."
Yoongi sighs and rolls his eyes and walks over to them and sits down next to Hobi.
You sit up now and move in between the two of them. "Lets just start from here, okay? Lets go on the vacation I planned, and if its still weird for Hobi after, then he doesnt have to pursue it anymore."
Yoongi's eyes widened as you say this but he kept calm as twirled his fingers in nervous habit.
You notice what hes doing and you grab his hands and squeeze them tightly. "I told you, if we have to cross that bridge we will."
Hobi took one of Yoongi's hands from underneath yours and laces his fingers within his and smiles. "I promise Yoongi, I am not going anywhere." he says leaning over and kisses him and then you.
"I will do better. I promise." he says. Both you and Yoogni nod, and then you lay your head on Yoongi's shoulder. "Its gonna be okay...." you whisper just so only he can hear you.
*2 weeks later*

"YOONGI!" you call from up the stairs. You had procrastinated the last 2 weeks of packing and now here it was the night before the flight, and you had nothing done.
"Yes  babe, whats with all the damn shouting?" he says as he runs into the bedroom.
"Where is that folder with all the papers for the vacation? That has my passport and the plane tickets....." you say, frantically searching your desk, but to no avail.
"Why would you keep important shit like that in a folder and not in the safe where all the other important stuff is?"
You roll your eyes and shove him playfully. "Just help me find it please."
"Dont be a know what happens when you act like that...."
"Yea..." she playfully shoves him again.
Yoongi smirks and licks the corner of his mouth as he grabs you by the throat. "I will fuck you without Hobi here, do not test my patience..." he said through clenched teeth.
"You wont..." you say with a smirk on your face.
"Bet..." he says turning you around and shoving you agains the wall. He parted your legs with his and pulled down his pants and then pulled your underwear to the side. "Dont forget you belonged to me first, I will take you whenever I want." he whispers harshly into your ear as he trails a kiss down the side of your neck and begin to suck at the skin, leaving a purplish blue mark.
As he finished doing this, he ready himself and shoved himself inside of you, pushing all of his weight down ontop of you. "This wont last long. I just wanted to feel you..." he says as he put his hands on your hips and helps you move back and forth quickly. "Oh fuck..." he groans as his nails dig into your side.
"Yoongi..." you moan out softly as he hits your spot, causing the feeling of release rising quickly.
"Yes babe....come with me..." he moans out as he pumps a few more times and then you come together.
He then pulls his pants back up quickly and spins you around to look at him, taking your face in his hands. "Thank you for being patient with me. I love you." he says kissing your nose. "Now lets go find those papers so you can go shower." he says smacking lightly on the ass.
But what you two didnt know, was that Hobi had walked in on the whole ordeal, and it kinda stung him a little bit that you two would do that without him. Especially after Yoongi rided his ass so much about thinking he only had feelings with her.
He felt his tears form, but ignored them as he unclenched his fist and walked away back down the stairs.
They were all finally getting along, he didnt want to undo that. He figured he would wait until later and then confront Yoongi about it at another time.                                                                         

You, Me, and Hobi (Yoongi/Reader/Hobi)✔️Where stories live. Discover now