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the next morning adrien and marinette entered the limo as it took them to marinettes house so she could get ready and get the kids ready. adrien dressed louis and emma and made sure to put hugo in a baby swaddle since it was cold.

as soon as they arrived at the agreste mansion adrien was getting nervous aswell as his lady

"wait with me okay" marinette said so adrien could talk with his father

"okay mommy" emma and louis said together

at the top of the stairs stood gabriel, a smiling gabriel. this caught adrien off guard and didn't know to continue walking or not but he did. adrien and gabriel have became closer but not very close still. emma louis and marinette remained walking to the stairs as adrien was already half way up

"hello dad" adrien said not trying to look nervous, this was obviously completely new to him, he's never brought a girl home to meet his father yet a whole family

"hello adrien, and who do we have here" gabriel said looking at the baby making his smile on his face grow wider adrien noticed this and relaxed a little

"this is hugo, also that's emma and louis" adrien said as the other kids and emma reached the top of the stairs "and you've met marinette before"

"ah yes the derby hat competition, one of the best hats i have ever seen" marinette smiled at gabriel's remark.

"very nice to see you again mr.agreste" marinette said shortly to gabriel

"please marinette assuming we will be family in the future please call me gabriel" he said back smiling and bending down to emma and louis height "hello i'm your grandpa" he continued to the kids "of course you are stop being silly grandpa gabe" louis said taking gabriel in a hug, marinettes eyes widened when she saw emma join in on this hug, marinette stepped in and tried to remove the two of of gabriel.

"don't worry marinette it's okay" gabriel said happy almost laughing

"sir let's go inside before the paparazzi come back" nathalie said to gabriel

"oh yes alright" gabriel said well heading inside the house and stopping in the middle of the grand foyer. "adrien and marinette can we have a talk in my office, we'll emma and louis go in adriens room for a little bit?" gabriel asked adrien and marinette agreed and followed gabriel to his office.
bunnix pov

i ran to my left and stepped into the future and grabbed adrien and marinette from thier living room,i knew this was a moment they would want to see again.

"your dad adrien is handing over his miraculous again i though you too would want to watch" bunnix said well adrien slapped his hand over his face,she held her hand on the circle on the wall and watched the scene play out.

thank you bunnix (adrienette)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now