Jack watches Ross take care of her sister. He's never seen her anomaly have such a drastic effect on something. "Do you think you can explain Liliths anomaly?"

"Hm? Oh, that. Its the exact opposite of mine, back when Lilith and I were one person I was able to do both at will, but since the split she can only enrage things and I can only calm things."

Jack hums, making mental notes. So the twins were once one? He'll have to talk to Alto about this stuff. He looks in the mirror to finish buttoning his shirt. "Want me to put her to the living room so you can get dried off?"

"Yes please, that would be nice." She finishes with Liliths hair, tying it back in a pony tail. "Come back here when she's settled, she slammed your head against the tile pretty hard and I want to take a look."


Ross runs her fingers through Jacks hair, letting his wrap his arms around her waist while she trys to feel for a wound. She wasn't sure if all the blood was 100% just from Liliths filth and not from him, its always better to check then to miss something. "You're looking good up here, how bad are your thighs?"

He closes his eyes, feeling safe and content.  "Mmm, not that bad, I'll be okay." He pulls her closer to him and rests his head on her chest. "Thank you for worrying about me Ross, but I'm going to be getting a new body in a few days, this one being hurt doesn't really matter that much anymore."

"I've always worried about your wellbeing Jack. And I don't care if you're getting a new body soon, you're gonna take care of the one you have while you still have it." She settles a hand on his head, mindless drawing shapes on his back with her other. "Jack, can I try something real quick?"

"You and Alto are the first." Jack squeezes her a bit tighter. "Depends, what is it?"

"Can I touch your amulet? I've touched plenty of things like it, I want to get a closer look at it."

His grip on Ross tightened, his pulse picking up. Altos mind wasn't replaced with his back when he grabbed Jacks necklace, but what if its not the same with Ross? What if he's suddenly trapped in her body and Keys is left without her mother and Alto without one of the people he loves?

"Not today, please? I don't want to hurt you or Keys."

"Of course sweetie, I won't do it unless you're okay with it."

"Thank you."


Ross watches Keys run in and out of the woods, coming out with flowers and sticks that she adds to a pile. "What do you two think she's gonna do with those?" She already knows the answer, but she wants to see what the boys think.

"I dunno, dream catcher or something? She seems crafty." Jack says, pushing his glasses farther up on his nose.

"Definitely flower crowns, probably gonna press a few of them. You used to do that a lot when we were young." Alto sits up from his place on the picnic blanket, watching Keys for a minute. "Yeah see, all the flowers have long stems, they need to have those for crowns."

Ross smiles. Maybe they do know her well already. "You're both right, she had me teach her everything I know about weaving. She's made a few cute baskets too."

Clef nods, he could see Keys doing that. "She's so much like you, Cain and Meri would adore her."

"Then maybe she should meet them." Jack suggests. "Since when have any of us ever followed the rules? Alto and I already do whatever we want, and you're Gears favorite."

"If she meets Cain she'll want to meet Able and I'm not sure how well that would end.... I'll need to think about it."

"Lets start with Meri, she could use a sister right now. Our girls would get along great too."

"Oh? Why? Is everything okay with her?" Ross doesn't know Meri very well, but she's her stepdaughter, so her instincts still start up.

"I... I told her about her mother..."

Oh... that explains it. Ross puts her arm around her husband's shoulders, kissing his temple, Jack following her lead and holding Altos hand. "You did the right thing honey. You're right, our girls will get along great."

Alto smiles, watching Keys smile and wave at them. "What did I do to deserve all this?"

"I dunno, you're a complete bastard." Jack jokes, kissing hiss cheek.

"Dad! Come here! I found some deer bones!" Keys yells, excited about her find.

Alto grunts while getting up. "Be there in a second Keys! Don't touch it til I'm there!"

Ross watches her husband jog off into the woods, leaving her with Jack and a sleeping Lilith. "He's so good with her, she adores him."

"Yeah, its cute." Jack scoots closer to Ross, putting his arm around her. "Whats she gonna do with bones?"

"Use them as decore, she thinks they're cool, she may take them to school for the biology teacher though. She's a bit of a teachers pet now that I think about it." She leans into Jack, watching the woods. "How long have you guys lived in this house again?"

"I'd say twelve years, it was for our 10th anniversary."

"Hm." She peers up at the house, seeing the second story. "Do you use the second story?"

"Yeah, that's where we store things and where Alto keeps his diaries and retired shotguns."

"He still keeps diaries? I thought he gave up on writing years ago?"

"He did, for a little while, but then after some therapy he started doing it again. Do you write?"

"Yeah, I do, I have hundreds. Keys keeps trying to get her hands on them. I still have Altos old ones too, they're some of my prized possessions. I guess I should return them now, huh?"

"Ya know, I think he'd like that."

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