Alright, now that I have laid the groundwork for a cult, what do I do now?

Suddenly I hear a loud explosion that shakes the ground, look around to see smoke coming from the center of the city.

I quickly run back to the city center, I hear the Alarm bell ringing for people to evacuate to the bunkers, a bomb going off down the street.

I run back to my palace the bombardment continuing to rain down,  the clock tower gets hit, about to fall on a family before I use gravity mana to move the wreckage.

"Get to the bunkers!!" I yelled as I enter the Palace I find Peleus yelling orders into a radio

"Peleus, what the heck is going on?" I asked " where are Qrow and the others"

"Atlas, declared war on us say we are a terrorist organization that needed to be destroyed, the kids are in the palace bunker with Qrow and Thetis, I have already activated the Military and airforce, but it is going to be a half an hour before they get here, Atlas is just outside the walls vinny, we are in big danger here" Peleus explained

"Tell the mayor of Liberation to get every many willing and able to fight to defend their city, because they may be trying to split us up, tell them that we are going to be fine if only banged up," I said

I pull my mana gun out and quickly make an M4 carbine model and make platinum and adamantium armor before using air mana to fly to the walls, I can see the enemy about 60 yards outside the wall.

I form six super hot fireballs and use my gun to attack artillery the is being fired at us, but an artillery shell slams into my armor knocking me into a building


Crap, my mana isn't too hot right now either after building that stupid temple

I need to get to the defense center so we can get some artillery going of our own, I run back to Peleus In the palace.

"Peleus, Institute ConLev Alpha-0"

"What!?!! You can't be serious" Peleus asked in shock

ConLev Alpha-0 is short for contingency Level, Alpha-0 is the highest level.

It means that the nation is under serious attack, all men 15 years old and up have to fight, the women and younger are led through tunnels out of the city.

A speech I made before the attack from America simplified it best 'this is a fight for nothing but personal survival, we are at the end of our rope, no matter what you choose to do, die for the nation or surrender, I will see you all at the gates of glory.

"Peleus, Atlas won't wait for our military to arrive, they are going to destroy our walls and capture parts of the city, we have to stop them," I said

"My God, how did it get to this point" Peleus sighed

"Despite Atlas being a poorly organized military, they got the surprise and full artillery assault, which is why I want people to get in place for when they do enter the city, we can lure them into thinking they control the city before we surround them and ambush" I explained

"Fine, I will send it out," Peleus said

After about twenty minutes of prep work, we get in position and first fire some bombs at the attackers, finally, I order the men to be silent, I suddenly hear 30 planes fly over a carpet bomb the Atlas soldiers, they run to the city in what later years would be called Slates charge,  once the soldiers make it into the city I order the fire and every single gun carried fired at those soldiers

Finally, retreating to their airships, I command my fighters to give chase, now a dog fight begins, ultimately with us winning due to maneuverability.

(In Atlas w/ General Slate)

Watching the broadcast of the battle, I thought we were winning, but it seems, we have lost an entire division of soldiers to these terrorists, there is no way these are simply untrained terrorists, they have powerful people on their side, it appears I have awoken a hungry beast and fed his determination, and terrible resolve.

(A/n warning dark themes ahead)

"It appears that I have failed to do what I needed to do, Salem won't be happy," General slate said picking up a pistol, placing it against the side of his head, and pulling the trigger

(Back with vinny the next day. Dark scene over)

"Attention people of Haskaria, yesterday will go down as a day of infamy, we were suddenly and deliberately attacked by Atlesian military forces, in such a manner that shows that they have planned this for weeks to months ahead of the attack, we will use every means in our military to swiftly bring back our justice, im deeply sorrowful that we lost over 250 Haskarians to the initial attack. Know that we will not rest till we have our vengeance, so on this day, the kingdom of Atlas is now recognized as enemies of Haskaria" I said declaring war on Atlas

I stepped off the stage and went to the military base and called for Banks and Rockefeller, we sit down at a table and begin our discussion.

"Alright, officially, we are now at war with Atlas, we cant count on Mistral to stay to their selves, so we need to make defense our main priority, there are things I can do but this is going to be a tough war, I have no idea why Atlas tried to destroy us, I did blow up an empty hotel but nobody was hurt, so to retaliate to this degree was purely to destroy or weaken us" I explained

"So this is it then huh, well I expected Mistral to attack first but if we could get the surrounding villages to join us we could begin with taking the large city of Argus," Banks said

"That would be a great way to have control one of the biggest military bases outside of Atlas, the main issue would be whether the citizens would fight back, Atlas and Mistral both made that settlement, so that would, in turn, involve them, so we would be going to war with them," I said

"The good thing is they don't have a military, so if we attack them it will put intense strain on Atlas," Rockefeller said

We were about to continue talking about this before Qrow burst through the door "vinny! Slate is dead, he shot himself after the battle, Ironwood is being promoted to General as we speak, giving him two votes on the Atlesian council"

"Good, Banks, Rockefeller get some people to send these five letters to the surrounding villages for a summit, im going to be making a large council hall in the meantime, its time to plan our next move" I said before turning to Qrow "see if Ozpin can come here, we may have to cancel our meeting otherwise, we would have to wait till after the war"

They all saluted "yes sir"

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