entry 20

1.3K 27 3

"raven we are sorry, we tried to attack but they were heavily fortified and their guns tore right through us, many of the men died others were captured, it's only a matter of time before they attack back," a bandit said to raven brawnwen

" fortify this city, the Grimm should have caused a massive blow to them even if you are too useless to break through their defenses. in one month we will attack again I'm starting to like this village and it would suck to have to leave." raven explained

"yes ma'am I will make sure everything is done correctly." the bandit said correctly

Raven looked out to the village. " should have let it happen now we have to destroy you"

in jiyuu village.

[HP,MP have been restored. level up x8. militant strength level up x5]

[you are now at war with the brawnwen tribe. wars come in various types: Ideological(often religious or political. common in civil wars) conquest(acquisition of land) and Liberation(freeing people from the dictatorial rule). in this instance the brawnwen tribe has attacked you, they are hold up in a village they took over and now are trying to conquer neighboring villages. the best action is to engage in a war to help liberate the captive village from the bandits]

[weapons crafting magic III now added(will create any weapon on command]

I sit up, I'm lying in my bed with some bandages wrapped around my forearm and head.

"vinny your awake!!!" Nora yelled with emerald and cinder in tow she began hugging me , emerald and cinder soon join

"We thought something serious had happened, peleus wouldn't let us in here for a day so you could heal," cinder said

"wait how long have I been here: I asked

"three days," emerald said

"great that sets me back some time to plan" i sighed

"plan what," Nora asked

" I plan to strike back at the bandits. figured it would be best if we return the attack and drive them out of here or take care of them for good" i explained as the girls looked worried at each other I stand up and walk to the outside of my palace. as I exit I see my populace standing at the door

I lift a platform up and begin a speech "men and women of haskaria, I speak to you here and now, this was only the beginning, I hate to say this but it only gets harder from here. this was only a group of bandits and some low-level Grimm. these bandits are the foundation of our goal to help all of Remnant be free of Grimm, we are an Empire, we are not a simple village. we are more powerful together than we are divided. Haskarians! the people of the village attacked by those bandits came to us for help and so we shall help them liberate their land and free their people" the people cheer and clack weapons together

"peleus follow me to the palace war room, we have some planning to do," I said heading back into the house.

we sat in my office, a map of the area laid on a desk, and a map of our village laid next to it.

i look at peleus and speak softly, "peleus, we are going to war with a bandit tribe, they were previously nomadic before taking that village....meaning something has changed. we must prepare for anything, so to start I'm naming you my grand advisor, next we need to get some production increased and finally, we need some heavy training. The men did flawlessly in the attack but there needs to be some improvement."

"w-wait head advisor, what do they do?" peleus asked

"you're my second in command, you were amazing in handling the refugees, so I decided to make you someone of importance. your duties are to advise me and give me reports on things like living conditions, economics, and soon war stats. but I will be with you guys when we attack." I explained

"im truly great full for your consideration," peleus said

"now! the next thing where are the prisoners from the attack?" I asked

"they were taken to a warehouse and tied to poles, with several armed security to await a decision on what to do with them" peleus explained

"very well, we will have a trial to make that decision, get all the prisoners, and we shall begin." I said

an hour later 20 men stood before me "you all are here because you have survived the battle, you came here expecting to have a chance to kill us all off, but now, many of your men, your friends, possible family are dead. all because of your lack of humanity, your lack of compassion, so you shall receive non from me, nor shall the other bandits who fled. we will destroy all of you." I said


"we're so sorry"

"forgive us"

"SILENCE!! you did not care for your actions till this point so face your punishment" i said lifting my hand. "you will be blinded, deafened, and muted and thrust into the forest where you shall roam or die,"

they struggled and fought against their chains but to no avail, I unleashed my magic on them and their eyes were shut their ears closed and voices muted.

the security loaded them on the ATT(all-terrain train) before driving them deep in the forest and dumping them there, they stumbled around each other trying to find and get back on the train

once I had returned with the train peleus came up to me from the crowd.

"vinny was that a very good idea? that was dark even for you," he asked

"listen, they are near a village in the middle of the woods, the things I did to them are easily treatable with modern medicine and some therapy. if they can survive the Grimm, they will be fine, i bet they will even be better humans" i explained

" why not just kill them," peleus asked

" This will be a harsher punishment, in the long run, don't worry. things will turn out okay" i said " I'm going to go test some magic I just learned a few days ago"

peleus nodded and left to go work on figuring out how the economics and housing could improve.

for me I want to know how I have improved [Stats, Skills, Faction]

LVL: 52

Int: 111+3

Stat points:90


Gamers life(MAX)

String instrument mastery(lvl. 34)
How well you can play the stringed instruments [beginner]

complex Explosive making(lvl. 63)
*you can make and understand the functions of creating a complex explosive device*

Natural leaders(MAX)
*when leading people you get a +6 Chr modifier*

Automatic weapons mastery(lvl32)

Small arms mastery(LVL49)

Hand to hand combat mastery(LVL80)

[magical affinity control(LVL 125)
* allows the user to control affinities such as:
-fire VII
-water V
-earth X
-wind IV
-purity I
-plant X
-darkness I
-metal X
-dust VII
-food IV
-holy III
-music III
-time III
-gravity III

biology I]

Observe(LVL 32)] can see lvl, skills, and emotions of people, items, and animal

[Funds: 21,660,203L
Members: 306
Public support: 300
Militant strength:9]

[Food:1k tonnes
Water:80k gallons
Material: 15k units
Employment rate: 99.6
Gov. System: monarchy

Policies: free housing,
Free Market
Public Education]

well, that's a lot, its good though. one day Salem will fall

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