Entry 32

884 20 1

"Hello, and welcome to Vale broadcast networks, today we have a breaking news story, one of the four divine level Grimm have been defeated, the last time one was by an army of the greatest huntsmen led by lionel Arc, which was said to symbolize the turn of an era, the most surprising aspects of the footage we received, was the warrior to defeat it, it was a single 12-year-old, this twelve-year-old is said to be the leader of a small collection of villages in Anima, he also may be the same boy who saved an airship a couple of years ago, what we do know is that he may be the strongest person on Remnant, you have the whole worlds gratitude, we will be back after advertisement to discuss the controversial experiments of launching pigs of cliffs, and after that, we will be talking about recent sightings of strange birds, small humanoids, and tree humanoids, finally we will be talking with a councilman regarding the upcoming festival"  the scroll in Qrows hand was turned off

"I see it was successfully sent to the Media and the Newspaper is already in full swing of getting things written and published," I said

"What was your purpose of this, the knowledge of the story of the divine Grimm there used to be eight but throughout history, only four have been defeated, all of which costing many lives to take down, so for you to bring it down your self and for your men to still alive, it's incredible. Be careful you definitely have Salem's attention now."  Qrow said

"The reason for this was to protect my nation, now I had you send the footage so we could get more citizens, there's more but it not important," I said

"Kid, you really don't realize what just took place, you killed a Divine Level Grimm, that hasn't happened in 100 years, and nobody has killed one on their own," Qrow continued

"I know how powerful it was, I was there when I killed it, now please, let's move this conversation to a separate topic....like....at some point I'm supposed to go to meet with Ozpin this year," I said changing the subject

"So, you actually want to meet him," Qrow asked

"I'm in politics, I can't avoid him forever, besides, I think we could benefit from having a bit of a trade, I definitely need a means of better communication, mainly a radio station or television. I can build radios," I said

I know back in high school when I was in a vocational school, we learned a lot about radios and data transmission, I think my next goal is to work on making electronic components for certain devices, maybe by that point I can manipulate electronic devices, that would help tremendously.

"speaking of technology, I might just go to my lab and work on some more world-changing technology," I said walking to my lab Qrow still following me

Once I get into my lab, I sit down with a mana battery, the first thing I do is form a piece of ceramic, and a long copper wire, I spent a little while wrapping the wire around the ceramic and cover the wires with more ceramic, leaving two leads of the wires free.

I turn back to Qrow who looks at the component

"What is this," he asked

"This good sir is what I know as a resistor, it slows down the current Of electricity So it doesn't overwhelm other more sensitive components," I said

"What are these other components," Qrow asked

"There are a lot, but the basics are: resistors, capacitors, Transistors, and Diodes, now there are variants of this and a few other parts that I never become familiar with" I explained

"Right, im going to pretend I knew what you were talking about," Qrow said looking like smoke was about to start lifting from his head

[Electronics affinity discovered]

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