Chapter 10: Meet

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Chapter 10: Meet

"Davis, I don't want to do this."

Davis and Ken were currently on their way to a park to meet the other Digidestined. Ken had actually gotten the courage to request to see the others, and he specifically told Davis to not let him pull away from it. Davis had agreed, and now a gray beetle sat on his shoulder as he walked.

"Come on, you'll do great! It'll be fine!" Davis said confidently.

"I regret making the choices I did," Ken replied in a rather flat-but still worried-tone.

"Well, I'll be there. If things go downhill, we can always bail!"

"I're right?"

"Even though you had me tell you-"

"I know, I know, I can't back away from it..."

"Yup! We're almost here, anyway, so get ready!"


Davis indeed was already approaching the open field in the park where he told the others to meet up. The Digidestined were waiting further away, and he could see them from where he was. Ken simply watched without a word as Davis picked up the pace to get to them a little faster, while the Digidestined finally seemed to take notice of him as he ran towards their group.

"Davis! There you are!" TK exclaimed happily.

"Yeah! We've been waiting for several minutes now!" Yolei said.

"Oh, was I late?" Davis asked, briefly worried.

"No, no, you're fine! We just got here early, that's all," Kari replied.

Davis let out a relieved huff at that.

"Anyway, what did you call us here for?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, you said it was something important!" Yolei added.

This was the big moment, and Davis only slightly nodded to Ken so that he understood that it would be his cue soon.

"Guys....I'd like you to meet someone," Davis said slowly.

"Really? I don't...see anyone though," TK replied looking around the open field the group was in.

Davis raised his arm and held out his pointer finger, trying not to point at any of his friends in particular. The Digidestined naturally all turned to look in that direction, only to not see anyone approaching. Ken sighed, but smiled at the stupidity of the Digidestined as he took a deep breath and readied himself. Might as well make like a doctor's shot and just get it done with. Ken nervously flew onto Davis' finger for everyone else to see, and as they turned back around they immediately noticed.

Kari gasped. " that..."

"THE DIGIMON KAISER?!" Yolei exclaimed in shock.

"He looks...different," Cody said, both intrigued and concerned.

"Yeah, I called him Kai...even though that wasn't his real name," Davis said with a bit of a chuckle.

TK raised an eyebrow. "Wait, it wasn't? Then who-"

"Stand back, guys."

The Digidestined did as told and backed up a few feet.

"Whenever you're ready," Davis whispered.

Ken took a few seconds to prep before flying off Davis' finger and into the open space. The other Digidestined watched as the small beetle suddenly began to glow, and change from a small half-dome to a full-on humanoid shape. Then the glow subsided, leaving the Digidestined staring at Ken in his original human form. Ken tried to keep a decent composure and a kind face, but doing so in front of previous enemies was easier said than done.

The Digidestined's jaws dropped.

"Yeah uh...I'm the reason Ken didn't show up to the soccer game that day, hehe...." Davis shrugged sheepishly with an apologetic smile. "Aaaaand I feel bad about it."

"We discussed this already, Davis. I told you it was okay," Ken replied, turning around to face him.

Honestly, Ken would take any opportunity to make this situation less tense or awkward.

"I know, but...arrgh!"

" all this time..." Cody muttered.

"He's been here all along?" TK asked.

"Yeah, and....I'm ready for....whatever punishment you all have for me....since...I deserve it, anyway," Ken replied, turning back around to face the others.

The other Digidestined exchanged glances with each other as they took in the scene in front of them. They were originally going to punish him, yes, that they knew who he was and the fact that he was had changed up a few things.

" definitely shouldn't get away scot-free for your actions," Kari started.

"I know, and I've accepted that fact..." Ken replied glumly.

"But...I'm sure we can figure something out now that things have been...cleared out more," TK said.

"Has he gone back to his parents yet?" Yolei asked.

"Yup, and you all know we got Wormmon back!" Davis replied.

Everyone had left their digimon back at their houses today because they wanted a kid-on-kid conversation without interferences.

"As for punishment...well...I wouldn't want to inflict physical harm on him," Kari started.

"Yeah, that would make us no better than what he used to do," Cody added, with Ken slightly cringing at the mention of past actions.

"Hmm...I doubt we'd want others involved as well," TK said. "We wouldn't want to make too big a deal out of it and draw unwanted attention."

There was a brief silence amongst the group as they all thought up of alternate methods that would still be enough to be considered a "punishment".

"I know!" Davis suddenly exclaimed. "He could be a Digidestined with us, traveling around the Digital World and helping us to atone for his past actions!" 

"Me? A...Digidestined with you guys? I don't...know..." Ken replied, since Davis hadn't exactly discussed anything like this with him prior.

"Actually, that could work!" Yolei piped up. 

"Nothing too harsh, and it would be all on Ken to make things better on himself! Or worse, but I doubt he wants that," TK added with a small smile.

"But...I don't know...I'm still on thin ice about this..." Cody said. "What if he decides to betray us again?"

"Huh? You really don't believe him after all that?" Davis asked, mildly bewildered.

"Well...I want to, but trust takes time," Cody replied.

"You have a point, though I'm sure we'll all be able to trust him in due time," Kari stated.

"Yeah! Let's just go with this plan for now. If it needs fixing, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!" Davis added.

"Alright..." Cody sighed.

"Thanks...for...this chance then, everyone," Ken said, bowing a little. "I won't mess it up."

"See! That wasn't so bad, was it?" Davis asked.

"I...suppose it wasn't," Ken replied.

"Great! Now, we should probably get back to our buddies at home, huh?" Davis asked the group.



"Yeah, let's get going."

As the Digidestined started to part ways with each other, Ken couldn't help but feel that a part of him inside that desperately ached over what would become of him had been soothed.

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