Chapter 7: Growing

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Chapter 7: Growing 

It was raining today. School was done, but the skies had darkened and rain was falling rather heavily to the point it made noise. Demiveeemon was rolling around on Davis' bed as Davis did his work again. He technically didn't have to since it was a Friday, but he felt like it. Besides, Kai was actually off his mind now, and he could focus. Though, speaking of him...

Kai hadn't spoken at ALL for the entire day. Davis had asked him if he wanted to come to school or not, and Kai had shaken his head. The others were now concerned with this, since they knew he was human, or...partially, anyway. They'd planned on letting him go tomorrow, but they were now worried about his mental state. Davis told them he'd talk to Kai later, but he guessed the thought had slipped out of his mind, since he hadn't done it yet.

He'd set Kai and his jar on the same table he was doing his work on, just for a change. He could also keep an eye on him, though at the moment Kai was just laying down on his cotton ball, staring at the room around him. The silence of the room and the rain ambience outside made it quite peaceful, though there was still a sense of unease coming from somewhere. As Davis finished the paper he was on, he glanced up at Kai again, who hadn't moved since he last saw him. He sighed, and moved his work aside to look at him.

Kai was seemingly lost in thought, and didn't see Davis staring at him. Or maybe he did see him, and just didn't care. Demiveemon caught sight of Davis staring at Kai and hopped off the bed to get a look for himself. Kai seemed alright to him, but it was a rather large contrast in comparison to the ego-filled, rather boisterous-but-cranky Digimon Kaiser he'd been before. It felt strange, out of place, and they were.

Davis picked up a book to the side of him and looked at its cover. If Kai didn't want to talk, he wouldn't bother him. He could just catch up with the book anyway, since rainy days were just those kinds of days where you could get work done. He wondered what Kai liked to read, other than the instructions for making control spires, dark rings, dark spirals, and whatever else. Maybe he could ask if he-


Davis was caught off guard by the sudden sound of a soft, quiet voice in his room. He felt his heart rate speed up upon initially believing it was a ghost or something, but calmed down upon realizing it was Kai. However...he sounded...different. Like...REALLY different. Instead of his loud, snarky attitude, it was gentle, kind almost. He seemed afraid, almost.

"Sorry for what?" Davis asked, looking up at the jar.

"I know what I did wrong. I abused and enslaved so many digimon...and for so long, too...I...I..."



Davis saw that Kai was starting to get noticeably more upset. He was at least glad he was coming to terms with what he'd done, kind of pained him to see it like this. Yes, the magnitude of what Kai had done was pretty great, but Davis was willing to talk with Kai about it. If it were the others, they'd probably give him a "you got what you deserved", or a "yup, you did wrong", anything along those lines. But Davis knew he was human too. He was capable of emotions.

"I feel like I want to die," Kai finished.

" can't do that!" Davis exclaimed. "You've realized your mistakes, sure, but that's a permanent solution to a temporary problem!"

"I've already caused one death, and that's ruined my life enough. I can't exist to see myself cause another death. Or more, if I've really weakened the digimon that much. It haunts me. It's torture," Kai replied quietly.

Davis stared at him. He wondered why he was saying all of this now, but...better late than never? Oh who was he kidding, this was a serious issue! He would NOT let Kai take his own life for this, even though he'd done wrong in the past. There was still time for him to change, and Davis would accept him if he was willing to.

"Kai...are you okay? Demiveemon asked, clearly just as concerned as his human partner.

"I just want to go home...actually, that probably wouldn't be the best choice after what I did, my parents would kill me..." Kai muttered.

Davis sighed loudly. He knew of one option, but...he didn't want to have to resort to it. Not after...what happened last time.

"Well...I WOULD let you out, but-"

"You can let me out. Or not. It's up to you," Kai simply said.

"How do I know you won't fly away like you did that one time?" Davis asked.

"It's all down to what you think."

Davis paused. Was he ready this time? Kai seemed upset, and it wasn't like last time where it was only momentarily. He'd been like this for...longer than a day. Davis once again stood up, shut the windows, blocked spaces and holes in his room, closed the door, and blocked the gap underneath it.

"Alright, but if you escape again, you're not getting out for another week, or longer!" he warned.

"Fine by me."

Davis hesitantly gripped the jar's lid again. His hand was shaking, and Demiveemon was watching once more. Slowly, he twisted the lid open, and lifted it off the jar. He watched as the gray beetle flew out of the jar and into the space in his room. His muscles tensed, preparing to leap out of the bed if Kai dared try to hide again. But Kai didn't, and he instead hovered in midair for a few seconds, before slowly starting to glow white. Davis and Demiveemon watched in awe as the tiny insect form slowly morphed into that of a humanoid form.

But when the light cleared, both of their faces instantly shifted into shock.

Because standing right in front of him...

Was Ken Ichijouji.

Davis's idol.

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