Chapter 4: Situations

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Chapter 4: Situations

After that whole fiasco, there had been some severe trust issues for the next three days. The Digidestined were hoping to talk to the Kaiser soon and then return him to his parents, but after Davis explained what had happened the days before, they were hesitant. Davis still took care of the Kaiser, but he wasn't about to make the same mistake again. Any time the Kaiser complained about something, he wouldn't listen, and Demiveemon was there to make sure he didn't. On the fourth day, the distrust lessened, but Davis was still cautious. He still kept the Kaiser with him, because now that he knew what he'd do if he was let out, Davis DEFINITELY would not leave him home with the potential of Jun or his parents finding him.

At the moment, Davis was in his room, reading a book for school. Jun was home, so he couldn't risk getting into another big fight again. He couldn't focus on his reading though, since the Kaiser was distracting him from thinking properly. Demiveemon had tried to get him to focus, but nothing seemed to work. Davis sighed, unsure of what to do. He couldn't take it much longer, and turned around to face the jar behind him.

"Hey, uh. What should I call you? Kaiser is getting boring, and I really want a change. I was thinking maybe..."

The Kaiser immediately shot awake from his hour long nap he'd been taking while Davis had been reading. He couldn't believe Davis had actually lost enough brain cells to give him a nickname. Then again, Davis had done dumb things before, so.

"It better not be anything stupid, or I'll-"

"Okay then, anything stupid it is!" Davis joked.

"I swear to god when I get out of this jar, I'm going to deck you in the face," the Kaiser muttered quietly while giving Davis the death glare.

"I was just joking! Sheesh!" Davis exclaimed. "Okay, how about um...Kai! Short for Kaiser! Unless you prefer Emp, short for Emperor...or Perry..."

"Kai will do..." the Kaiser, now Kai, sighed.

"Great! You hungry or anything?"


"Well, I am, so I'll just get some extra."

As Davis got up and left the room, Demiveemon attempted to strike up a conversation with Kai. He'd seen Davis do all the talking, and he didn't want to miss out on all the fun.

"So. What's your opinion on this whole situation?"

"None of your business," Kai replied, not wanting to talk to the other annoying being that shared the living space with him...sort of.

"You still think you can take over the Digital World?" Demiveemon asked.


"Well, give up on it! As long as me and the others are still alive, we ain't gonna let ya!"

"Oh please. You're just digital beings from a computer game," Kai retorted.

"That may be true, but explain how I'm here, living and breathing next to YOU of all people!" Demiveemon exclaimed.

Kai was about to argue back, but paused. That thought had never occurred to him, that the digimon were living outside their program. He thought they'd just become flesh and bone when they entered the real world, or maybe some other nonsense answer. Up until now, it had never dawned on him that they were...more than that. Demiveemon took notice of Kai's hesitation.

"Uh. You okay?"

"You're real..." Kai muttered.

"Yeah. I am. What about it?" Demiveemon asked.

Kai didn't really know what to say. He wasn't about to loosen up in front of these two of all people, was something to consider. He'd actually...attacked creatures like them...and...he didn't want to think about it. Demiveemon noticed he was getting lost in thought, and while he DID want to leave him in peace, half of him wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Scared of me?" Demiveemon whispered mischievously.

That got Kai to snap out of his thoughts really quickly. "I'M NOT SCARED! WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS BLASTED PRISON, I'LL-"

The door to the room opened, and Davis came through with a bag of some kind of crackers. Conveniently just in time.

"Davis!" Demiveemon exclaimed.


"Kai's tryn'a scare me!"

"Did you provoke him?"



Davis sat down as Kai angrily shouted from behind him. He opened the bag and handed Demiveemon a few chips, and asked him to give a piece to Kai. Demiveemon did so without a problem, though Kai complained a little when the piece flew through the slot and rattled the jar a little. Nonetheless, he took it anyway, since eating was one of the few things that entertained him now.

"Were you trying to have a conversation with him or something?" Davis asked his partner.

"Yeah! I was hopin' I could get some info out of him, or bond a little! In fact, I think it worked!" Demiveemon replied.

"You succeeded in neither of those," Kai corrected him.

"No, I didn't! I found out that you believed you could still take over the Digital World and that you didn't know I was real!" Demiveemon exclaimed.

Davis spun around to face Kai in the jar, a look of shock and confusion on his face.

"Wait, what? Kai, Demiveemon's been with us for practically a WEEK and you haven't thought about it once?!"


"Man, you really are dumb...just like me!"

Davis suddenly brightened up at the thought. Demiveemon was confused, but Kai's eyes widened at the realization.

"I thought you were an evil genius, but inside you're just as brain-dead as me and the rest of the Digidestined! This is amazing, we share more in common than we think!"

Kai groaned, not even bothering to say anything at this point. Nothing would persuade this gogglehead, and even if he tried, it would just resort to another argument. He watched as Davis began texting the others again, but then turned away. He didn't need this today. What he needed think about what Demiveemon had said.

That reminded him, what was Wormmon up to? He'd never bothered to ask Davis or the others to check up on him, and Wormmon hadn't returned with them at all. Had something happened to him? Kai felt something within himself, as if something was building up in his throat. Not nausea, but it began to ache, and he didn't understand why.

Digimon were real.

And he'd committed a rather serious crime.

Wormmon was still in the Digital World, waiting for him to return.

The abuse he'd sent his partner, through...

What had he done?

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