Chapter 3: Awful

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Chapter 3: Awful

It was another day after what had happened, and Davis had taken the Kaiser to school with him. He was surprised that the Kaiser actually shut up for the entire day, but he had a feeling the Kaiser was secretly spying on his life so he could ruin it when he was freed. Well, Davis and the other Digidestined had no plan of doing that any time soon. They texted amongst themselves as to update each other on what was going on, but they still hadn't figured out what to do with him. Honestly, the others were surprised Davis hadn't had an accident with the Kaiser yet.

His parents and Jun hadn't caught on yet, and the Kaiser beetle hadn't been found out by them. Surprisingly, the Kaiser hadn't really stirred up a ruckus when they were around. Davis thought the Kaiser wanted to make his life miserable, but that seemed to not be the case. He was a nuisance, yes, but not complete torture to have.

Davis was currently in his room, doing his homework. He couldn't focus, though, as thoughts of the Kaiser mingled with his actual serious thoughts. He had made sure Demiveemon watched over the Kaiser while his back was turned, but still. Silence was deafening at the moment, and it actually really bothered him. Maybe he was anticipating something from the Kaiser? Davis didn't quite know why he felt weird.

"Something...bugging you?"

Demiveemon gasped, and Davis whirled around in his seat.

"Did you just-"

He could've sworn he heard a small chuckle and a "Eeeeeeh it's not that funny." Davis just gave the beetle an annoyed look.

"Nevermind. You're clearly bothered, aren't you?" the Kaiser asked.

"What's it to you, Kaiser?" Davis grumbled, about to turn back around.

"Well, it seems to have an impact on your working pace, and that's just a guess," the Kaiser sneered.

"Yeah? Well...whatever! It's not important right now!"

Davis turned all the way around and back to his homework. Silence once again filled the room, but this time it hurt even more. It was probably because the Kaiser now knew about his discomfort and unease that made it worse. Sometimes he regretted taking this guy in, but hey. His friends were counting on him to do this right, so do it right he would.

" could let me out, if you trust me enough," the Kaiser said quietly.

Davis froze. Was...was he serious? Was he SURE? The Kaiser WAS human, so maybe he just needed his space? No, what was he thinking? It could be a trap!

"How do I know you're not gonna do something crazy, Kaiser?" he asked.

"Well...I...maybe I..."

Davis watched the beetle struggle to find the right words. What was going on?


Had he seriously had a change of heart then and there? No, that couldn't be possible. This had to be a trick of some sort!

But yet...

Maybe there was a small sliver of hope.

Slowly, Davis stood up, setting his pencil down on the tables. He shut all the windows nearby, and closed as many small spaces as he could find by blocking them with books and other things in his room. He was NOT going to mess this up, because he knew how much everyone would beat the crap out of him if he let the Kaiser get away. He then walked over to the jar and picked it up.

He sat down on the edge of his bed, and gripped the lid.

"Davis, are you...are you sure about this?" Demiveemon asked.

"I don't know, DV, but my gut thinks I should!"

"I hope your gut is right..."

Davis took in a deep breath, heart POUNDING in his chest. He slowly unscrewed the lid and opened it. The Kaiser immediately flew out as fast as he could, up and out of reach. Davis yelped from being caught off guard.

"H-HEY! What are you-"

"HAHA! Pathetic weakling! You actually thought you could trust me!" The Kaiser laughed.

Davis scrambled to get off his bed, but it was too late. The Kaiser had already flown up to the higher bookshelves in the room, where Davis couldn't reach.

"I can still continue my plans thanks to you! Maybe I'll even reward you later by being...hmm...less cruel to you than your friends," he taunted.

"Get down from there!" Davis shouted, glad his parents weren't back yet.

"Sorry, but I don't plan on doing so!"

And with that, he disappeared into the back area behind the books. Davis growled at what he'd just done. Of course the Kaiser would take advantage of his stupidity like that. Welp, it was up to him to make up for his mistakes. Davis gathered a bunch of sturdy books from the lower shelves, and stacked them on top of one another to reach the higher bookshelves. He stepped on them all and made sure they were stable, before hopping off and going to his soccer bag.

He desperately dug through the towels and cans of suntan lotion and other things, hoping to find what he was looking for. Hopefully he hadn't used it all up...aha! Davis pulled out a green can with a black nozzle, and read the canister to make sure it was the right one.

Insect repellent.

He didn't want to have to do this to his books, but...he had no choice. Books were a small price to pay in comparison to the Kaiser wreaking havoc on the Digital World...or the real one. He stepped back up on the books, and leaned in to try and get closer. Focusing the nozzle in a crevice made by two books, Davis held his breath as he let loose a spray. Almost immediately, he heard a yelp as the Kaiser flew out into the open again.

Demiveemon had the jar ready and jumped up just as the Kaiser flew by...smack into the jar. The lid was immediately slammed back on, and Davis set the can down to tighten it properly. It seemed like the Kaiser was a little woozy from facing that much at once. At least he wouldn't cause any more trouble for a while...

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