Chapter 2: Home

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Chapter 2: Home 

When Davis got home, he set all of his stuff down by his couch, and then set the jar on the table next to the couch. The Kaiser had at least decided to shut up on the way home as Demiveemon, Veemon's previous form, hid inside Davis' school bag. Davis walked over to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle, then sat down near the jar, where the Kaiser was sitting angrily in the middle of it. Demiveemon got a snack, but kept an eye on the two from where he was.

Davis stared at the angry blue beetle inside of a simple plastic coin jar. This was the Digimon Kaiser, the kid who'd enslaved and abused digimon for his own entertainment. And now, he was stuck in a simple plastic jar, unable to escape. It sure was wacky to think about. But then again, there were a few problems with this, and Davis had already thought about them beforehand.

The major question was, what was he supposed to do with the Kaiser? If he took him to school, chances were he'd only cause trouble or try and get Davis kicked out. But if he left him here with only his parents and Jun nearby...well. That couldn't go too well either. It was a really tough decision, especially considering the guy also needed to be punished for what he'd done to all those digimon.

Also was the Kaiser's natural look actually the same one as the digital world? He hadn't changed colors since he left, but nobody had made any comment on it. Davis wondered if he could ask about it without getting some vague response. Well, wouldn't hurt to try.

"Hey, uh, aren't you supposed to have an outfit change or something? We're not in the digital world anymore...that is, unless this is your normal outfit for everyday wear."

He snickered a little at the thought of the Kaiser walking the streets every day, dressed in the cape and suit with his hair in that spiky mess and those weird shades. The beetle Kaiser could see this, and groaned a little in annoyance.

"It's not. It doesn't matter though," he replied.

Davis sighed in an attempt to stop laughing, but the thought still made him chuckle a little.

"Shut it," the Kaiser snarled.


The room was quiet after that. Demiveemon had hopped over, and Davis had gone over to his bags to get his homework for the day. He'd planned on doing it in front of the Kaiser, since that way he could keep a watchful eye on him. However, upon starting, he found himself almost unable to, like the Kaiser was the only thing he wanted to look at. Davis looked back down at his partner digimon, who had occupied himself with a small ball he'd gotten a hold of.

Davis looked up at the jar to see the Kaiser faced away from him, sitting on the plastic "floor" of his container. He then realized something: he was sitting on the couch in comparison to a hard floor. Poor thing didn't have anything comforting to rest on. Davis wondered if he should even give the Kaiser anything after what he'd done, but then he realized that if he tortured the Kaiser, he'd be no better than him. Wait...did this little beetle even want the comfort at all?

"You must be pretty uncomfortable in that jar, huh, Kaiser?" Davis asked.

No response.

"It's okay, I'll get something."

Before the Kaiser could argue, Davis had gotten up off the couch, and had sped off to his bathroom. It took about a minute or two before he returned, with something small and white in his hand. He ran back over to the jar and immediately jammed the white thing into the slot on the lid.

"GAH! WHAT ARE YOU-" the Kaiser yelped.

"Relax, it's a cotton ball you can rest on. I just need to get it through the slot, since I can't open the lid without you flying out," Davis explained.

"N-Are you sure about this?!"


"I...I DEMAND YOU STOP!" the Kaiser shouted.

"I would, but it's already stuck," Davis laughed.

"Aaaaarrrgh!" took longer than Davis wanted to, but he got it through after 10 minutes of poking. The Kaiser said nothing as it fell into the jar, knowing he wouldn't have the strength to push it all the way back out. Davis then realized something. He could inspect the Kaiser beetle up close and personal, though he had to admit, it sounded a little bit like an invasion of privacy. Slowly, he brought his face up to the jar as the Kaiser turned away from him, and stared.

The Kaiser's shell, or wing covers, mimicked the cape he wore in humanoid form. They were mostly dark blue, but had a noticeable yet small line of yellow around the ends, that formed a bit of a "v" on the ends of the covers. The Kaiser still had visible hair, though it had shrunk with his size. It was the same spiky kind that he'd had as a human too. Only difference was, there were two small antennae poking out of it.

This brought up another question Davis had. If the Kaiser was capable of transforming into a beetle, what were his parents like? WAIT, WAS IT EVEN RIGHT TO KEEP THE KAISER HERE AND AWAY FROM HIS PARENTS? Davis whipped out his phone and began to frantically text the others his questions. Forget the question of "are there magic people out there who can turn into animals", he needed to know if what they were doing was right! About 5 minutes later, he'd gotten a response from everyone. Kari and TK believed that they should figure out what to do with him when everyone was together, Cody said he'd ask his parentals about it, and Yolei got just as chaotic as Davis did when she heard the question.

Davis sighed as he looked back down at his clearly forgotten homework. There was so much to think about here. What was right, what was wrong, what they were supposed to be doing. It hurt his head, and honestly he didn't think everyone would actually be ready when they caught the Kaiser. Luckily, Demiveemon snapped him out of his train of thought.


"Ah! Yeah, DV?"

"Do you think he's hungry?"

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot about that!" Davis exclaimed, turning towards the jar.

"I'm fine, thanks," the Kaiser grumbled.

"Well, I'll get you something anyway, Kaiser, just in case."

The Kaiser sighed as he watched the goggle-headed boy went back to the kitchen area.

Guess this was his life now.

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