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Robin POV 

As soon I heard that Marshall got that job, I knew that Gemma was a part of it somehow, ever since she got here, she has been all over Ted and MY friends, she almost just came out of nowhere. Now I was going to talk to her about it, tell her to stay away from them, it was getting on my nerves that Gemma would be at the bar with us, she would be everywhere, she acted like she was a part of us.

She has her brothers, why does she need to be with me and my friend group, can't she find her own, there are lots of people in new york. But no she had to go after MY friends and I wouldn't accept it. I was almost at her apartment as I thought of what to tell her, I looked out the window of the cap and saw that I was outside her apartment, I gave the cap driver a tip and then stepped out I walked over to the door and paused before opening it. 

Was she really doing anything? YES, she is trying to take MY friends, or was she really? did she just want to get to know them? Did she try to be closer to me? Well at the moment I didn't care as I was about to walk into the elevator. I stepped into the elevator and waited for the doors to close, I pushed the button on Gemma's floor, and soon after the elevator doors opened at Gemma's floor. I walked out and started to head towards her door. 

My phone rang, it was Gemma, I found a place to talk with her, it wasn't a quiet hallway. When I found a place I answered: "Hey Rob?" I heard the sweet annoying voice of Gemma, "What's up, Gemma" I then heard a door open, but I didn't think much of it."So I was thinking if you wanted to come over and hang out? oh and-" I just rolled my eyes and said, "yeah sure I was actually on the way here, I wanted to talk."  She just said okay and I hung up before she could say what she wanted. 

Nobody's POV 

As Robin finished, she walked out of the more quiet area, and once again headed towards Gemma's door, she knocked on the door and waited a bit before the door opened, Gemma let her in and took her coat, and put it on the hanger. Robin then went into the middle of the room next to the dinner table. Gemma just went to the kitchen and came back with two water bottles in hand and gave one to Robin, but she just put it down. 


Gemmas apartment is kind of small, the kitchen and living room are one, the bedroom is small and the bathroom is a bit bigger, the walls have a few dirty spots on them, and the windows in the bathroom are covered with black plastic. There is only cold water in the shower and the sink is hard to open, the paint is starting to slowly show the ground wall all around, you can hear all the noise from the hall. 

let's just say it was bad, it was even so bad that Gemma had to stay at Ted's sometimes because the floor was often very wet and there was water damage all the time, the apartment was cheap, it was all Gemma could afford, it is a surprise that Gemma arent sick under these conditions.    

Robin looked around in disgust "How can you even live here?" Gemma looked down, she knew this wasn't a home at all, it was just a pile of trash, but it was all she could afford at the moment "Well unlike you I don't have any money, I live here for 100 dollars a month and I can barely even buy food".

Robin just looked at her, she knew it was a bad time to talk about it, but she had to at some point. " Listen I came here to talk to you about the fact that you are with Ted and My friends, I don't feel comfortable with that". Gemma just looked hurt "I wanted to know your friends better for you, I have been sad that you and I haven't gotten the chance to talk". 

"Robin I like Ted, okay? I don't understand, why are you so mad about that, secondly I have lived with my brothers for so long, it was time that I left, but I didn't want to, we are too many in the household now, we tho still have good contact". 

"And I know you felt left out from our big family, but you are not the only one, my brothers have always been nice and sweet but ... but I just felt like I didn't fit, I couldn't have any guy friends without my brother keeping an eye on me, YOU didn't have to go through that but I did".

"My mom and OUR dad were always fighting and yelling, THEY never paid attention to us, KIDS NEED THEIR PARENT ROBIN. But we didn't get that, we were left to ourselves, ROBIN, you got a happy home, yeah not perfect, but 100% better than mine, so I wanted to get to know you because I learned how important family is, that is why I wanted to get to know you, Robin". 

"MY problem is that I still love Ted, yes we used to date and I still love him, I did feel left out, but now I'm glad I am not you sister I'm glad I'm only you HALF-SISTER". Gemma just shook her head with tears pouring from her eyes clearly hurt. 

Gemma was in tears and so was Robin, Ted, Marshall, and Lily walked into the living room from the kitchen they looked between the two women, Ted went over to Gemma and wiped the tear away."Get out" Gemma whispered "What," Robin asked in disbelief, "I said get out!" Robin just looked down sad, "GET OUT, GET OUT RIGHT NOW" Gemma yelled pointing to the door, but she broke in the end, Marshall and Lily just looked at them they didn't know what to do, Robin then left and Gemma burst out crying Ted pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back while looking at Marshall and Lily.  

Word Count: 1077

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