Restraints and Explanations

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Goddamn my eyes are so fucking heavy...ugh I hurrrt. I wanna cuddle and sleep...wait...where am I? Why can't I move my wrists? Oh god, oh no, William? Oh my god I can't breathe. Oh holy shit oh no Andy?? Andy!!!

"Mr. Leith are you with us? Try to open your eyes and we can talk."

They are so fucking heavy though. And I'll punch you in the fucking face if you keep speaking so goddamn loud. Go get me my husband nooow.

"Come on Mr. Leith I know you are there!"

It's Biersack you ugly ass fuck face. Do you know hard and long it took for me to gain that title? BIERSACK!

"Mr. Leith try to wiggle your toes and keep going."

"It's fucking Biersack," he finally mumbles out, groaning in exhaustion.

"Oh, well my records show it as Leith."

"Then I got married and all my documents are Biersack, get it right," he grumbles, making the mystery man laugh.

He barely opens his eyes and groans at the brightness.

"Where am I and who the fuck are you?"

The man laughs again, sitting in a chair next to the boy. "You are at GreenLife Rehab Medical Center and I am your doctor. You caused quite the commotion coming here huh? I heard you fought hard!"

Remington looks at the restraints against his wrists. "Can you please take them off? They hurt."

"After you prove you aren't a threat to me or yourself! So Mr. Leith, why do you have self harm scars covering your wrists? When was the last time you hurt yourself?"

"Months ago," he groans, all the aches and pains exhausting him. Flashes of memories are coming in of him being held down on his stomach, flailing and trying to get out of the peoples' grasps. Some really hurt when they grabbed his arms and legs.

"Is my baby okay?"

"The baby's heartbeat is very strong! When is the last time you felt suicidal?"

Remington rolls his eyes, tugging on the restraints again. "It's been months. I've already seeked help."

"Hmm okay, do you purposely starve yourself?"

"I'm in fucking recovery!" Remington whimpers, pulling his arms as much as he can to no avail. "I've been diagnosed with anorexia and I'm being treated for it. All the health problems I had with it has been cleared by my doctor's! I eat what the baby allows me to eat."

The doctor nods, giving him an uncomfortable smile. "You seem to also make rash impulsive decisions, such as cheating on your spouse, the recent sex tapes, running away. How are you handling any of it? Any anxiety or anger?"

"Enough! I just want my husband! Andrew fucking Biersack! Can you do that for me? I'm fine. Everything is good! God I just want my husband!"

"Sir, you can't see him for awhile. I believe you will harm yourself in the immediate future so you have to stay. If you stay calm for awhile we can take the cuffs off."

"I'm freaking out because of the cuffs! Please! Oh god Andy!! Andy!!"

A white haired doctor knocks and opens the door, looking at the scene in front of him. What a sight for sore eyes! Andy is behind him, looking angrier than ever.

"Andy oh thank god," Remington sobs. "Please get these off me baby please!"

Andy rushes inside much to the younger doctor's dismay and unwraps the restraints, looking at the bruises on his wrists.

"Where the fuck did these come from?" He growls, looking back at the younger doctor.

"Remington how are you feeling?" The long haired doctor asks.

"I'm scared as fuck and this guy says I can't leave and leaves these god damn handcuffs on me! I hurt everywhere from everyone tackling me and I want my baby properly checked out from how long you guys squished me on my stomach!"

"What the hell do you mean you were squished? Do you not know he is carrying a child??" Andy asks, bewildered.

"Mr. Biersack we had to do whatever we could necessary to subdue him. He was fighting against us."

"Because you fucking kidnapped him! He was protecting himself and our child!"

"Dr. Reynolds. You need to write an incident report regarding this case. As of now, we have no reason to hold Mr. Biersack in state custody. The report was far fetched and I can tell it was blatant lies. The patient does have a past but it isn't affecting his future. We are closing this case now."

"Dr. Dillard, this is a mistake. He needs help!"

Remington jumps into Andy's arms, not having even any energy to cry. "Home. Now."

"You cannot leave!"

Joe makes himself more apparent. "If you don't follow your boss's orders they can sue the hospital, the county, and you personally. Even your medical license. So what will it be?"

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