Vitamins and Pricks

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Remington wakes up slowly, yawning and stretching. He groans at the stinging pain in his chest and reverts back to a ball. The blankets and pillows smell like lavender and the softness suffocates him welcomingly. He smiles, wondering what happened to the hard hospital bed. He opens his eyes slightly, looking down at the fluffy white comforter that's draped over him and all the fluffy pillows around him. Why does this look like....home?

He hears a familiar bark and realizes he IS home. How did he get to Atlanta? Remington sits up carefully, putting on a pair of slides that are next to the bed. He shuffles his way down the stairs to gripping the railing as he slowly limps down. He sees the shadow of a wagging tail on the wall. Once he gets to the bottom he is sweaty, the pain in his side is searing but nothing can stop him from finding his lover. Andy is leaned against the stove top, stirring something that smells delicious in a pan. He looks up at his limping husband, giving him a smirk as he walks his way over.

"About time you woke up baby boy. How are you feeling?" Andy asks, pulling his husband into his embrace.

"Um, I hurt really bad. But um, how did we get here?" Remington puts more of his weight on Andy, sighing in relief. 

"You took some good pain meds and we went to the airport baby. I figured we needed a good break from California. I want some us alone time." Andy rubs his lover's hips, kissing his neck gently.

Remington blushes, moaning quietly at Andy's soft touches. "I don't remember any of it," he giggles. 

Andy nibbles on his ear lobe, "Hm so I could have really taken advantage of you huh?" His fingers are trailing over his abs, up and down. Andy slowly trails his fingers to his husband's happy trail, smirking when Remington arches his back from his touch, slightly panting.

"Andy," he moans, while Andy reaches lower, grabbing at his tented pants. 

"You want me baby?" He sloppily kisses the younger's neck while sneaking his hand past the waistband of his lover's pajama bottoms.

"Now," he pants while Andy lifts him on top of the countertop.

Remington is sitting on the bar stool, panting and sweating against the cool of the marble top bar. Andy is completely naked and the sweat is glistening off his body while he finishes their dinner, chopping the chicken up and adding it to the pasta. He pours over the sauce and places them each in two bowls, setting them by his exhausted lover and then bringing the two salad dishes.

"Eat up baby," Andy mumbles, smiling at his husband who is clearly still in his stage of after sex ecstasy. Remington lifts his body up dizzily and chuckles, stabbing his fork into a tomato and eating it slowly. He takes a long drink of water and sighs in relief. 

"Mm, I forgot to show you what I got you," Andy says while taking a bite of pasta. He stands up and casually walks to their cabinet, taking out a bottle and slowly walking back to his staring husband.

Andy chuckles, blushing slightly even in his confidence. "Like what you see darling?"

Remington chokes on his food and hides his embarrassed face, giggling. "You have a nice ass you know..."

"Oh I know baby. Only for you."

"Well I kinda claimed you, you should see your back." Remington's cheeks turn a dark red, hiding his face in his hands.

"Mmm it just shows how much pleasure I give you baby. Makes me proud."

Andy kisses Remington's shoulder and puts the vitamin bottle in front of him. Remington picks it up and examines it, reading the bottle. "What's it for?"

"Since we are trying, it's good to have your body on folic acid early. It helps the baby."

Remington smiles, leaning his head back on Andy's chest. "You mean it? You are for sure ready?" He asks excitedly, feeling Andy lean down and kiss him.

"I'm so fucking ready." Andy giggles, hugging his husband tight. "I'm ready to be a daddy. So while we are trying, let's make sure your body is healthy. We have to still watch your sugar and bp, and you also need to gain some more weight if you want to carry comfortably."

Remington tears up and nods. "I promise I will. Oh my god Andy can you believe it?"

Andy holds him tightly, kissing his cheek. "And I'm sure we will get plenty of practice runs too."

The younger giggles, closing his eyes in peace. "Can we keep it between us for now? I feel like my brothers will try to force their way into it and make me get on birth control or something."

"Of course baby. Our relationship isn't their business. But eat up, fatten up."

Remington frowns and Andy notices, "I don't mean it like that baby you aren't fat."

Remington nods, eating more pasta.

"I'm sorry, I forget that you were actually diagnosed with something. But I promise you, you will be fine. Okay? You got me."

Remington looks up at him and smiles. "I'm fine I promise Ands. But you sit and eat too. Your head is still hurt too and you need to relax."

Andy nods and sits next to his husband, feeling at peace. Remington reaches down and pets Charlie's wiggling body.

"So how many do I take?" Remington opens the packaging and screws the lid open.

"2 darling. Just 2 a day." Andy watches his husband take the vitamins and smiles. He is so ready for the next step.

"Can we watch a movie and sleep after this?" Remington asks cheerfully.

"Of course."

 Remington eventually finishes his plate and limps to the sink, washing his dishes slowly. Andy hands him his bowls as well and rubs his lower back gently. 

"Are you feeling okay? You had quite the limp."

"My side is hurting pretty bad and going down the stairs did a number on me. But you also just fucked me into oblivion so it didn't help with the pain."

Andy wraps his arms around his waist and kisses his neck. "I'm sorry baby I shoulda been more gentle. I will be from now on okay?"

Remington rolls his eyes and smiles, turning off the water. "Just help me back up the stairs and we can call it even."

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