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She was sitting on the stairs crying. Since when? For how long? She had forgotten herself.

Remembering, just his face. All were present in front of her, but he wasn't.

She was praying for hearing his voice in all voices.

Life makes man learn a lot. When it comes to a difficult time when a person finds himself, his family. But what you would do when you have no one?

She could not understand much because of the age she was going through. She never understood anyone. Who she could hear, could be understood, was not present before her.

All were engaged in their works, no one cared for her. The one who was left with nothing was only eleven years old, but the world was still troubled by it. That day, everyone whom she could call hers, left her alone in the hands of the cruel world.

Her big teary eyes were waiting for him, getting impatient for him who was hers after her parents.

She was sitting on the stairs looking at the door where a lot of people were coming in and out. She was looking for his face in all of them and then finally she saw him. She could not find herself knowing when she stood and moved towards him.

She ran and went into his arms that were already opened to her. The coming one took her from the ground, putting her with him. He knew that her little soul had no place on earth except himself.

He brought her into his chest, caging her in his arms securely. Took her to his room, sat on the bed and pulled out the vet tissue from the side table, and cleaned her face which was full of tears.

"Zara, stop crying, see I am in front of you... don't cry like this."

"But now Tai Ami will throw me out of my house."

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