The Prologue

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Y/n heard the screams, violence, and the gore from the alleyway outside of her place of work.

She sighed as she packed up her final order for a customer.

"Thank you.." mumbled the woman as she looked in the direction of the noises.

"My pleasure ma'am." Said Y/n.

"I'm sorry for you, poor soul being near this violence." Mumbled the tired lady as she trudged out of the bakery.

The bakery was in good business, even if it was still new in this city. Y/n had a good pay and she didn't complain about the condition.

Even if it was a hotspot for beatings........

Y/n was thankful that she wasn't apart of the cleaning crew that always clean the aftermath of the fights or beatings.

Whenever she comes out of the bakery, she always sees someone leaving in a body bag.

Police were basically pieces of bullshit while the government basically overlooked the growing problems of gangs.

Y/n did wanted to look on the bright side that was until she heard the death of her best friend, Hinata Tachibana.

She was shocked that her friend that her friend died, she was the one that inspired her to pursue her dream of opening her own bakery and make her business expand.

But all crashed down when she first heard her friend dying.

"FUCK FUCK!!!! WHY HINA!!!????!!?!??? HINA WHY DID YOU DIE!??! NOT NOW!! NOT EVER!! DUMBASS!!!" Screamed Y/n as she punched her wall.

"AH FUCK!" Yelled Y/n as she felt the pain of her fist but she was holding back the tears of pain she felt for the demise of her best friend Hina.

"Bullshit..." Thought Y/n as she took out a can of spray paint she had in her bag, she had a favorite hobby aside from baking and that was making street art.

As she put on her dark hoodie and her paint respirator she was hiding in an abandoned building a perfect place for her.

As she sprayed her art all over the surprisingly clean and smooth wall she heard police sirens passing by.

"That gang again? Police might be late again for that massacre..." Thought Y/n as she finished her new piece.

It was her own little memorial of the victims including her friend.

She sighed through her bag until she found it, an old camera. A the last gift Hina gifted to y/n before her untimely death.

"Perfect..." Thought Y/n as she took a few steps back and searched for a perfect angle to take her shot.

As she squatted down she aimed her camera and snapped a photo.


Then a bright white light blinded her...

"WHAT IN THE BULLSHIT FUCKERY IS THIIIIISSSSS!!!!" Yelled Y/n as she was blinded by the light.



"Y/n!" Said a very grumpy voice as they tried to wake  their friend up.

Y/n shot up and had a death glare on her face ready to kill a bitch but stopped when she saw who it was.


"Hina-Chan?" Asked Y/n as she stared in disbelief.

"Y/n-Chan? Why are you giving me a look like you've seen a ghost?" Asked Hina.

"I must've taken too many grandpa drugs......" Said Y/n.

"Are you taking drugs?!?!" Yelled Hina as she pushed her back and forth.

"No I'm not!!! I'm just shitting with you!!" Yelled Y/n.

But still...... Was she taking drugs or did Jesus Christ did a holy shot on her????

But when the final bell rang her nightmare was just beginning....

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